
if only there were a way to safely implement the technology...

(onstar has been doing it for decades at this point)

Some have slightly different specs, but the biggest difference is the mix of drivers and any sort of maintenance . . .

I was going from a fun car to a mid-size truck at the time. I was completely unfamiliar with Tacoma’s but really liked the styling and knew their reputation/popularity. I was really glad I test drove it as well as a Colorado before buying. I ended up buying the Colorado and had a great ownership experience with it.

I’m a Houstonian whose current car came with heated seats as an already-installed option that is nice, I use the feature 8-10 times a year, but some A/C vented seats would be wholly appreciated and get 10x that usage.

Are they subtracting the total EV sales revenue and subtracting that from *all the R&D spending on EVs*?”

I don’t know why they even installed a “crash the boat” button to begin with. 

Don’t think anyone is saying he shouldn’t be allowed to exists there (anyone reasonable at least), I think the issue is the VIP McLaren garage tour with F1 brass/double standard applied to the drivers vs. the teams.

If it doesn’t meet FMVSS, it’s not a suitable automotive safety device. No common sense required.

As with all aftermarket items, you need to use your common sense and the Internet to judge how safe it is.

lol. 60 MPH is about 90 feet per second. 450 feet per second is ~300 MPH.   Most cars can brake from 60 MPH to a dead stop. in ~150 feet. 

At least they avoid the sharks.

I just commented along these lines.

How is braking half a second quicker at 60 MPH equal to 450 feet? But yeah safety systems are good. So is better driver ed and stricter licensing.

you go into a court room and argue that you are not liable for hitting a person with your car because the only alternative was swerving across a yellow line with no car on the other side of it, you’re going to lose that case. 

Do the unicycles have licenses and registration?  If not, how are they legally allowed in the lane of traffic?  This seems like they purposefully intended to menace a robot car, record it, then catch all the clicks and profit.

Very much this. A more accurate headline would be “a group of assholes circling a car cause the self-driving system to malfunction”

60 mph is 88ft/sec... .5 sec earlier stop is gonna save you 44ft, not a football field and a half.

Talk about your Evil vs Evil stories. There is no good side on this one.

Sorry, jokes are easier to catch when they’re clever or funny

Its a good fear to have.  Dont let a single poll saying Biden is ahead sway you from your duty to get your butts to the ballot box.  Vote like Biden is way way behind.