
Holy shit what in the actual fuck did I just read?

Every dad ever.

“Even if the allegations in the affidavit are true, they don’t begin to justify what happened.”

For about $25 you could have disassembled the headlights, sprayed the chrome black, reassembled and called it a day. Personally, I can’t wait for the murdered out cult of personality to die out - along with the tacti-cool fad.

Well, I thought that “white apartheid” covered that, but you’re right. Having a father who owned a part of an emerald mine during apartheid and running out of storage for the cash (literally) is quite an important part.

I still drive my 2000 Eclipse daily, and it’s been beyond reliable. It still takes me on long road trips without fear, at 316,000+ miles on the original engine

Relax kid, it’s a tongue-in-cheek comment related to one of the articles posted yesterday. You’ve got the entire internet at your disposal, go look it up. Or don’t, you’ve already ruined it.

What would be really crazy is if one of the Big Three, Ford for example, replaced the V8 as the main engine in their trucks with a turbo 6!!!! Can you imagine the pandemonium that would create?!?!?!

In a vacuum, it would be pretty cool that they essentially made an EV land yacht...

My brother in Christ, they made it bigger?!

Wondering what the merchants who rely on the windfall of spring break think of this.

“today’s EV market crash”

Or reaching for its waistband, at least.

Jail?” More like "morgue"... 

The cop probably thought it was one of these:

Pretty much all so-called pro-Palestinian rallies really are conducted by people with anti-genocide leaning. It’s troubling to think that that ticks some people off.

This dude, like so many ammosexuals, thought himself as a good guy with a gun and fantasized how he would save the day with his gun. 

I would never drive a Challenger because people would reasonably assume I was a racist MAGA degen. 

It would be nice. Course I had my boneheadism this morning with my Renault/Reliant goof, but then I’m just a commenter.

Welcome to the self-checkout of automotive journalism.