
I guess I was wrong. Both are way overpriced is what I meant. And has ceramic coating been out for 9-10 years? Because they claim it lasts that long.

I moved to a skateboard after the bike - that way i could keep it with me. Boards were all the rage in like 2003

The problem with the Big3 is that they have had a lot of trouble building EVs efficiently. Some of that is just ICE mindset, but a lot of it is also established supplier relationships and union contracts that make it much more difficult to optimize compared to Tesla. It’s easier to fold inefficiency into the price of

Everyone I know with a modern VW (GTIs, Wagons, Tiguans, etc). adores them.

As someone who has worked in both audit and in-house accounting/financial reporting, this is absolutely unacceptable for a public company and someone should and will get sued and/or fired.

You have #2 wrong. The survey asked “would you buy the same vehicle over again”, not just “again”, which is a distinct difference. It asked them if it met their expectations or if they had a do-over, would they pick a different vehicle. It didn’t ask if they’d buy the same model after this current one.

This lack of clarity keeps coming up, but I believe the survey is asking if you would buy your current car all over again. Not if your next car will be the same as your current car, as in, will you buy it twice in a row.

I think this is a factor, but then why doesn't BMW suffer from the same issues? 

This is just based on a survey of owners, so not sure what to tell you on that one. 

I’m going to bet it was a combination of both. Not like real animosity towards Waymo, but I gotta believe they’re seen as a nuisance by a lot of people there. I doubt it was the reason for torching anything, I’m sure that was general riot behavior, but if you’re gonna torch something the thing that pisses you off is

Good move Hyundai, but without plug-in like Pacifica the avg mpg needs to be >40 to compete with Sienna. AWD is only needed by a small % of buyers so FWD only shouldn’t hurt sales much. We’ll keep plugging along with our reliable, comfortable, paid-for, ~25mpg and surprisingly still fresh looking (for being stored

I have sympathy for him - of course. And his family. But I put him in the same general category of people, as the Titanic sub tourists. People who got way in over their head and paid the ultimate price for a not insignificant degree of hubris.

Very well said. This book/movie tells a compelling story, but frames it in way people want to hear rather than what they should hear: Just f*cking off to the woods is not a good solution to your problems, regardless of how valid and unfortunate they are. McCandless is not a martyr, he’s a cautionary tale.

Bang!  You hit that nail square on the head.

I’ll never understand the glorification of McCandless. He was a witless dreamer who brought about his own death by being ill-equipped and poorly trained for the wilderness (and where he was isn’t even real wilderness). So many people who accomplish amazing things in the outdoors don’t get a tiny piece of the

That was YOU?

What is with all the hate? These guys are pioneers and haven’t been matched by any of the other hosts that followed on TG. They have a chemistry that just works. The last episode (Euro Crash) was quite good. How can you not find them going through the wax museum and cracking up at the exhibits funny? Or the

Southwest won’t be adding more seats to their planes. And they’ve never had screens in their planes, so these seats with the phone/tablet holder are an upgrade. 

Southwest has already announced that they are not adding an extra row with the seat thickness change, but it is instead to offer ‘additional leg room’. Overall, I’m sure it’s more of a weight savings item; but to say it is so they can squeeze in an additional row is plain false. In addition; removing ‘the inflight