

Every race track I have ever been to has blocked visual access from the bridges - they don’t want people hanging out on there and overloading the bridge.  This is just a story about people in LV who have never been to a race track and don’t understand why this is done.

Right, if the bridges are open for viewing the race, they’re going to be packed like a sardine can for possibly days beforehand.

there is adapters for that already. 

...bulletproof to almost all subsonic projectiles” does not necessarily mean...will be penetrated by any supersonic projectile”. I get the silliness of the entire enterprise but I think you’ve reached past what he claimed.

That understanding that late term abortions aren’t the norm is somehow lost on so many people who are anti-abortion. The idea that it’s just an alternative to contraceptives or condoms has been pumped so hard by the religious right that they don’t know what reality actually is. 

As a follow up to my submission of the fetus van...

My long time issue with the tunnel is the need for a human driver at all. Tesla’s have Full Self Driving and Autopilot remember. The thing is the tunnel is the absolute BEST case for automated driving, it is a 100% controlled environment, there is no reason they could not have a preprogrammed route with no need for a

Imagine trying to convince M.Elon that folks w/ disabilities need to be accommodated, & that it’s a LAW which he’s obliged to follow. ‘This isn’t for them, I guess, & no one who can afford our product is disabled b/c I don’t know any or find any to be worth my attention to determine that. Only my opinion counts, b/c

And there is so much more to engine “power” than just how much power it has.

GM’s upcoming system is also developed by Google.

I am a 6'0" man, so height has never been an issue for me.

Tl;dr; “some people have different opinions from me.”

*Shrug* I have a Hummer EV and I love it, even better if I had been “cursed” with it instead of having to buy it.  I’m a happy “jackass”.

I’ve never seen a tow truck driver who doesn’t speed. They all think they are speed racers. 

Absolutely. I mean, I can absolutely buy the death being accidental, but the not telling his mother? While they have an active missing persons investigation?  Despite her checking in with them periodically?  And even burying the body in a pauper’s grave with no identifying mark despite having actually identified him? 

Thus far the U.S. response has been weak to non-existent. During the ramming event on Sunday, Navy destroyer USS Dewey was over the horizon “present, though keeping its distance.

You are forced to buy car insurance to protect others, not yourself. There are states where you do not have to buy insurance-but then you need proof of financial responsibility. So if you have an extra $100k luring around to pay for your liability in an accident, go ahead. 90%+ of people in those states still pay

“She quickly realized that insurance is, in fact, a scam”

Because of different basic electrical network standards in the EU for example, that is simply not viable. (Even with the CCS plugs in both locations they are different due to technical reasons.) The NACS charger setup realistically will end up being the standard for the US, Canada, Mexico, Central America, likely