
Who am I kidding, my motorcycle and car are both loud, because ultimately to an enthusiast, the sound of a combustion engine is MUSIC. For the rare times that I do listen to music, here’s how my situation and playlist is broken down:

I’m a 40 year old suburban dad who drives an Equinox. Nothing makes me feel cool while driving. 

Thing is that they ARE big in the US. We just don’t use them like the Europeans or Japanese.

Maybe, the ones that are staffed here, are long tunnel style, where you pull up you wheel(s) rest in a cradle and it pulls you through, as opposed to a pull in a stop style like you would see at a gas station, or along side a self serve style location. You pull up there is a cashier or express lane, and a couple of

Too good to sit in someone else’s puke, eh? Well la-dee-da! I suppose your majesty will also expect pretzel bags that don’t have weevils in them.

Fuck that pilot.

Not designing around the gas in North America, is a design issue.

Gotta stop this whole burning man is for the rich thing. Yes, there are people with money out there, lots of them. But the majority are just regular people, in a van, a rented RVs, people car camping. But the camps and tech bros whatever the fuck that is, get the attention.
This is not a rich sport. Tickets are

Keeping an portable EVSE in your trunk is absolutely the norm for EV drivers, especially when you are going on a roadtrip. This is nothing ground-breaking. I have an L1 (8-12 amp, 110V) in our Chevy Bolt and a J+ Booster 2 L1/L2 (up to 40 amp, 110-220V) with NEMA 5-15 and 14-50 adapters in the VW ID.4.

I can’t find that deal in my city, but my gen 2 is on 250K miles and still going strong, so I’d say you can go cheaper/more miles.

If you can find a 3rd Gen Prius with under/at 100,000 miles for near/at 10,000...it feels like a good buy as an only vehicle with good fuel economy and reliability. Plus most people are surprised how much stuff they can swallow up, especially with the back seats down.

Doesn’t matter. It is the FEDERAL Wildlife Service. 

I bought a roll up tonneau cover the first day I bought my truck. Emphasis on the roll up part. It gets rolled up for tall loads often. Even the folding covers can be removed in a few minutes.

I give it like, 7/14.

Most of these aren’t performance cars, but just merely “sporty” looking shitboxes.

I figured the Del Sol was just a casual “fun in the sun” car, like the Toyota Solara. I mean, both companies put that IN THE NAME. The performance civic-based car was the Integra, which AFAIK disappointed nobody.

Clearly I was either drunk or slept through the 90s and had zero notion that half of the cars listed were “supposed” to be performance cars.

This one certainly is. They are even imported from Italy. <shrug> There is just as much BMW DNA in that Rolls-Royce.

OK I’m really trolling here, but I couldn’t resist... “Shock Yellow”: