LA James

I’m not saying this is a complete solution, but here goes: wool socks. Cotton is the worst thing to happen to feet since athlete’s foot. Also, actually scrub your feet when in the shower - with a bathing brush if you have one. Yer dogs don’t get clean just from standing in slightly soapy shower water - that probably

Name calling FTW! I’m glad that at least some of the media has caught on to the absolutely certain method by which they can make their point of view watertight: call names. This technique is especially effective if done in the first paragraph in the piece, and reaches its pinnacle if the names called are actually the

Let it never be said lifehacker hasn’t done something useful in this world.

This almost makes it worth taking up hard liquor...

I just wanna know: How in the HELL can a cockroach crawl up yer nose without yer feelin’ it at the time?!

“...decompose it in a day or two...” Yeah, right. Try that in your own back yard and let us know how it works out. Better yet, snap some stills as a way of documenting the rapid process of decomposition. In my experience, the only way a steaming deuce can be made “safe” that rapidly is for another large critter (like,

You are correct: there are misplaced markers all over the Great Lakes. But, this doesn’t mean the map itself (color gradients indicating light pollution, or to be more exact ‘artificial night sky brightness’) is inaccurate. Anybody can [erroneously] add a site to this version of the dark sky map on this particular

The vast majority of people in the 21st century USA have never been outside where it is really DARK, so questioning the accuracy of a dark sky map that you believe shows too much light pollution is entirely predictable unless, perhaps, you live in the wilds of the west. I’ve had a similar conversation with people many