
Your girlfriend versus an entire generation of gamers.  What a compelling anecdote.

I want it because it allows me to play games on any device without having to buy expensive dedicated hardware.

Thanks for the clarification! I’m sure they’ll eventually split it into three identical apps, change names multiple times, and then just let them fade into oblivion.

The random rolls are easily the worst part of Forsaken.

And it’s not just games, movies too know, like with Amazon Prime video, even if you buy a movie instead of the rent or free videos, you can still have it taken away from you randomly.

Physical games you know you have forever, whereas digital games could be taken from you if the publisher decides to do so. That’s the one reason I won’t make the switch completely.

Did the same thing on my calculator at school, guess I’m a sexist twat.

Who gives a shit? This is like saying “Blocks are great except kids spell BOOBS”. 

“Because we live in a world were the president of the USA and his right wing cult members says offensive things to various people every single day. Thats the world we live in.”

This. Jesus christ, way to make something out of absolutely nothing.

Hence the article: Kotaku is made up of the types of people who CD Projekt Red were mocking, as is Kinja in general: Self-indulgent, gossip-peddling centrists. So of course; (Here’s where the self-indulgience comes in) they use what power they have and call the mockers a name like: “transphobe.” Which, in itself is an

Intentions actually matter in many ways including legally and how(normal reasonable) people judge the actions of others.

And? People say offensive things every day. Always have, always will. Get the fuck over it. And what does Trump have to do with this? I mean, seriously. Trump sucks but this isn’t even remotely related to him. 

That tweet wasn't transphobic.

Ah, yes, all those head-0n collisions we hear about on divided highways. Very common. I’ve had three of them just last week!

That's not a good hot take. At all. 

You’ve been on this site long enough to know the arguments against DRM Lozzle, only one of which is “I don’t want to pay.”

People don’t tacitly sign a waiver agreeing to have their image, goings-on, and physical location splashed all over the internet just because they dared to leave the house.

Fuck off, Trumpsucker.

This is just shifting the tax burden from corporations and securities to consumers and those with less income. Put simply, this is regressive taxation without calling it a tax.