
I got a good LOL out of you trying to explain what art is to all of us

Good move, Valve. A platform should be an agnostic canvas for artists, not a playing field for corporations to push their morals on others. 

When that car crashes into a pedestrian while self driving, who is at fault?

That isn’t blaming the victim. That is asking if the victim could have taken other action that would have prevented the tragedy. “Blame” refers to assignment of culpability, not causation. Victims have causal roles in their outcomes all the time. They do not, by definition, have culpability. To blame the victim is to

I mean, the kid could could have easily grabbed a knife and stabbed her. It really isn’t about guns here...

In the land down under, fuckwit means buddy and Orlove’s Bug is right side up.

We taste like pork.

As far as I can tell, that just shows that attempts to use or promote the end-of-lane zipper merge will be unsuccessful and cause increased traffic.

From MN DOT:

Ya know what? Fuck you. I waste too much of my attention while driving and watching out for moronic jerkwads like yourself, because you have some ill conceived notion that you’re exempt from using turn signals.

Because there’s no barrista there, you’re just walking up the second lane and shoving someone trying to order out of the way.

That’s because there’s no register in lane five, you’re just walking up the fifth lane and then shoving your stuff onto the fourth register.

You should signal in advance so people know what your intention is. Signaling while doing is useless and makes you look like an asshole. Just don’t signal at that point, hardly anyone does to begin with



(bring it to consoles and I’ll buy it please)

Of course, Trump had nothing to do with Harvey but it’s now, more than ever, painfully obvious that Trump is going to rollback as much as he can from the Obama Administration because...reasons (i.e. the black guy did it, so it must be bad/subpar). I just hope everyone remembers this BS in 2018/2020 (probably not

We all understood what she meant, but thank you for taking the time to explain it to us anyway.