
I had a dream...

the retail location where you purchased the game.

I mean, its the right move for sure but I’m not so sure we should be actively applauding them for it. It should have never gotten out the door in this state.

Batman... has a problem with Windows...

I’m with you on this!

You know, we can have more than one hero at a time.

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

You’re right (“ It’s not its job to make legal, moral, ethical, etc. decisions.”), but Google had made it their ethical motto “don’t be evil.” I guess they dropped that at some point.

It's really telling that, for years, Google and other search engines have made it possible to remove your bank account info, for example, and yet photos shared of your naked body without permission weren't granted the same exemption. It really tells you where we put our worth as a country, and it's in monetary assets.

For a second there I kinda hoped the King would turn & say “Would someone plese get these fucking bears out of my office!”

It’s nice that they’re finally getting around to remaking the one game people have asked the most for.

Customers and moving around and making displays, just bring in your feet and interacting with people is fun. Being in an office on the phone is not, even if I make a bigger contribution to our overall success this way. Also, my boss is the CEO, so pretty sure. ;)

If you have a family history it can be. No argument that the employer has adequate legal cause. In my state you wouldn’t even be able to get unemployment is you were fired in this situation. But what is legal isn’t always what is ethical or compassionate.

And the TV show most faithful to the books:

calling it right now. Penis shaped lightbox arrays will be a thing.

BloodDeath: The Game.

I work with a large group (nearly 100) of young adults in a year-long, paid service position, and for some of them it’s their first real job experience, and for 99% of them it’s their first full-time job (well, technically, “position”). And the big bad firing guns come out when someone just doesn’t show up and doesn’t

I think this basically nails. Yes, there is fanservice and some gratuitous bullshit in the game.

And there’s one scene (with a particular Novigrad gangster) that felt grossly ugly and excessive, much like last week’s scene with Meryn Trant and a Arya in Braavvos (we know how’s scum, there’s no need to gild that

Metal as fuck

Eh, both of those games have nothing on the Witcher 2 for PC.