
I went to a high school where I, a white student, was in a literal 1% minority; 97% of the school population was black, 2% was all other ethicities (and that’s rounding up). Needless to say, nearly all of my school friends were black. I was in the marching band. I was in several other clubs, and was in small-sized AP


Oddly enough the only that really gets me is the one with him crawling out from underneath the bed. All kinds of childhood fears realized in that one. The one with him laying in the bed is a close, close second.


“But college commencements aren’t supposed to be political!”

The funny thing is that this is exactly the argument they’re using in support of all this nonsense.

Offices? He has actual offices? Like, why? What does he do?

It’s hard to support the diverse movies when they’re not being made, though.


Please tell me you casually threw a wine glass to the floor while you said that. Bonus points if it shattered

When I was in high school (also in NC), one of the current trends was for women to wear a spaghetti-strap tank top with a button-down shirt over it. This style was, by the letter of the dress code, within policy. That didn’t stop the administration from declaring it a violation. Apparently, simply covering up wasn’t

How is this legal? Can a judge just revoke probation just because?

You would be shocked at the level of physical abuse that has to take place before you’re even a blip on CPS’ radar. In North Carolina, it’s even on the books that you can hit your kids as long as it doesn’t cause any physical harm/scarring/disfigurement past a “temporary reddening of the skin.”

The only thing holding them back is that they seem more temperamental than other flavors. If even the slightest bit undercooked, you don’t get that gooey s’mores texture and flavor; slightly over cooked, the crust is charred and the fillings are dangerously hot to the point that it’s only when they’re congealed is it

The best Pop-Tart flavors (not including limited/seasonal flavors):

As an addendum to that, each discussion about minimum wage should begin with a summary of the original Fair Labor Standards Act, which outlined precisely that a minimum wage was established to allow workers to be able to afford the basic necessities of living off of a single income and not that minimum wage jobs are

I have had more than one person tell me that I remind them of “that guy from Big Bang Theory” and/or immediately ask me if I watch the show upon knowing me for longer than 45 minutes.

Seriously, shows like this in this day and age feel like an insult.

The Republican Party continues to be the governmental equivalent of a child throwing a tantrum.

I could be wrong, but apparently just dropping classified intel in the middle of a conversation is completely within the confines of the law. From what I understand, the idea is to allow the President to take action for the interest of national security without being hindered by a lengthy process. Of course, this is