
As an addendum to that, each discussion about minimum wage should begin with a summary of the original Fair Labor Standards Act, which outlined precisely that a minimum wage was established to allow workers to be able to afford the basic necessities of living off of a single income and not that minimum wage jobs are

I have had more than one person tell me that I remind them of “that guy from Big Bang Theory” and/or immediately ask me if I watch the show upon knowing me for longer than 45 minutes.

Seriously, shows like this in this day and age feel like an insult.

The Republican Party continues to be the governmental equivalent of a child throwing a tantrum.

I was okay with it either way. I didn’t mind them being a couple and I didn’t miss Lois Lane, but I’m also totally okay with Superman being back with Lois and his relationship with Wonder Woman retconned.

I could be wrong, but apparently just dropping classified intel in the middle of a conversation is completely within the confines of the law. From what I understand, the idea is to allow the President to take action for the interest of national security without being hindered by a lengthy process. Of course, this is

Save your money. There’s a free app called Memrise that will help you learn conversational Russian (among other languages, not that you’ll need those in a few years). That should suffice for when the New World Order takes over.

I’m sure that comment went over especially well with the white men in the audience.

In a psychology class I took in college, I asked the professor if I could use Psychology Today as a source. After all, I had easy access to it since I worked at a public library.

I ordered one yesterday that’s shaped like a bat (they couldn’t say “batarang,” but it’s totally a batarang) because I’m an adult and you can’t tell me what to do.

Has anyone crunched the numbers on how the 2016 election would look if the whole country used the Congressional District method of distributing electoral votes, where each candidate receives 1 electoral vote for each district they win with an additional 2 votes going to the overall winner?

But you see, if we educated women about their bodies and encouraged them to exercise autonomy over them THEN gave them free or low cost birth control and contraception all while making it easier for them to actually being a mother, we’d have women running around and having sex outside of marriage and that simply will

I’m okay reading Johns when he’s writing Green Lantern and Aquaman, because those are seemingly the only two characters he actually likes and is willing to spend any kind of actual creative energy on. He also likes Cyborg, but it’s enough for him to get Cyborg on the Justice League.

BUT OF COURSE this was in North Carolina.


You’re right, but Marvel hasn’t seemed to catch on to that yet. In their mind, they can still sell single issues if they keep churning them out.

I’ve seen it used as an acronym (Before All Else or Before Anything Else) but I think that came after the fact; the first time I encountered was simply as its own term, presumably as a shortened version of “baby” or “babe.”

If they did that, then they run the risk of losing single-issue sales to trade paperback sales. Even avid comics readers who subscribe to dozens of titles will wait for trades of mini-series’.

New 52 had cancelled titles within a couple of months of launching. Rebirth has been holding strong for a year now, with (as Fomorian_1988 points out above) only two new titles launched and only two cancellations. We’ll always see books getting launched, canceled, and relaunched, but DC is a lot less chop-happy than

Oh, Rush Limbaugh will most definitely say it. He might try to justify with some statistics, which will either be quoted out of context or completely made-up on the spot, but you are absolutely right than he or some other talking-head conservative mouthpiece will come out and say it.