
That would have really made his head explode, as obviously the gay actor could ONLY play the evil character. Because, you know, gay is evil or something.

My college girlfriend spent Thanksgiving with me and my family one year. Her dad was coming to pick her up on Friday evening so she could spend the weekend with her family.

I had been teaching her how to play Magic: The Gathering, and we were playing a few games while she waited for her dad. It was about thirty minutes

Depending on their age and location, it’s entirely possible I dated one of your cousins in college. That sounds exactly like what her parents would have made them do.

The Turbo Touch 360! Man, I wanted one so bad when I was a kid. Kinda glad to hear they sucked.

I would love to see you do a write-up on The Witcher 3. I bet you’d have some interesting things to say about Yennefer’s outfit.

Most of the armor is actually tailor-made (heh) for certain situations: the Sheikah armor for sneaking, the Rito armor for cold weather, the Climbing Gear for climbing, and so on. Most of the time, you’ll be just fine wearing the armor that will give you the best defense and/or attack, and switching armor sets is a

I honestly wonder why they didn’t do that. They could even keep the Japanese aesthetic; how many vision of futuristic New York or LA have we seen with some elements of Japanese culture and design implemented into them?

I can’t really answer your question, but I can tell you why it reminded you of The Matrix: the original anime was actually a major influence on that movie. In fact, some of the shots in The Matrix (especially in the opening sequence) all lifted (or at least callbacks) to GitS. As a huge Matrix fan, this motivated me

You don’t need to have played the other two games to hop into this one. It does a really good job of explaining the backstory, and while on PC you could import your saves and that had an impact on some story elements, you were walked through a short narrative section that let you set up those elements fresh if you

No problem!

Youre in luck: it doesnt ship until Aug.-Sep., so you can still pre-order it. You can even set up a monthly payment plan for about $140 a month.

Theyre also working on statues of Triss, Eredin, and the Toad Prince from Heart of Stone.

ETA: Actually, Prime 1 did the Geralt statue as well. Sideshow just

Sideshow did an equally impressive Geralt polystone staute. Slightly more expensive, but it’s great.

I doubt they’ll go with the comic origin and just have him be a time-traveling mercenary, or maybe even they’ll take out the time travel all together. I think it’s more so they want somebody who’s instantly recognizable as the character (which is why we’ve gotten SO MANY white men in comic book roles—they want people

Okay, so even with the sound off (can’t watch it with sound right now), that was a solid trailer. I’m sold.

That was even more complex and involved than I was expecting.

So basically, the theory is that Lafitte owned the mansion and used Tom Huck’s island as a base of operations, tying those two attractions together. However, I don’t really see how this ties into the Pirates mythology, other than Lafitte’s Landing being

I am more excited about this movie coming out than pretty much anything else coming next year, including the Han Solo movie.

I absolutely love the two newest Tomb Raider games, though I need to revisit the second game (never finished it, ended up uninstalling it because I lapsed on it and just had too many games to

Link please?

No, seriously, please tell me that isn’t a joke.

I started doing that, but like an idiot put down my torch to open a treasure chest. Took me awhile to do the obvious thing and shoot awhile fire arrow at the ground to light it again. It was late at night. My brain wasn’t working.


They’re big, but very slow. If you can get some distance in between you and them, you can easily take them down with just regular arrows. Aim for the eye to score a critical hit. After awhile, they’ll cover up their eye with their hand, but they still want to see you so they’ll open their hand up (think peek-a-boo)

So what you’re saying is that there’s a chance this is a Venom prequel after all?