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I’m glad you put the reboot up here, and that it’s fairly high on the list. It made Jason more frightening, it had some pretty creative kills, and had just the right mix of characters that you expected to live and didn’t and characters that you applauded when they checked out. It really was a great slasher movie.

I *have* been thinking about starting a Cynical Asshole Movie Club.

You’re just so adorable I’m not even mad.

Thanks. You’ve just articulated everything that didn’t feel right about that scene, but couldn’t really identify. I know just enough science to see that there was something off, but couldn’t put my finger on it.

Better things such as responding to this supposed buffoon’s replies?

The fact that my response was too long for you to read says a lot about your thought processes.

Yeah, but it felt like the movie was pushing the whole concept. Like, there were a few times he basically stopped and everything around him was still moving in slow motion.

Why even with the metal arm, or giving him weapons? I understand that it might look more exciting than a bunch of scientist observing monitors and such, but just cut to Spain when he goes into the Animus and stay there until he wakes up.

Yeah, I remember talking about DoFP with my wife and I was like, “So, I know Quicksilver’s power is super-speed, but did they change it to him being able to stop time now? Because, that’s two different things.”

No, actually, I didn’t call anyone a professional victim, and that article was in response to people griping about how a video game’s graphics engine changed from its reveal at E3 in the final published product.

This is what I always say when older people (and even people my age) start grumbling about “kids these days”: They are what we have made them.

Agreed, up to the point that you say it’s a “tough adjustment to make.”

Wow, a whole eight replies in (not counting sub-replies) before somebody talks about how lucrative being a professional victim is. I’m proud of you, Internet.

I remember him pushing them out of the way, but weren’t they still basically in the line of fire? I’ve only seen the movie once, but I seem to remember him pushing them in the same direction Ultron’s aircraft was flying, and Ultron laying down fire in the same direction.

An actual conversation I had one time:

Every single one of these excerpts reads like an article from Return of Kings.

I’m sorry guys, but I’ve been holding this in for about a year, and I just need to let it out: there’s no way Quicksilver got shot by a .50 machine gun and just stopped the bullet. That projectile should have punched through him and continued its trajectory right toward Hawkeye and Kid in Danger.

Oh thank you SO MUCH for pointing that out.

But then you couldn’t seek help from other players, or offer to help others.