
Treating the report of a crime with skepticism favors the accused, and criminal investigation should be neutral with no favoritism to either side. There is such a thing a victims’ rights, and in the best interest of the accuser those rights should extend to them until it can be proven that they are not, indeed, a

Much like every other mechanism you’ve addressed, there’s already something in place for that. Filing a false police report is a crime. Of course, an investigation must be done to determine whether the complaint is indeed false; the complaint shouldn’t be assumed to be false until proven true (just like the accused

I’m no history major but I’m pretty sure Joan of Arc suffered in the name of freeing her country from foreign rule and not because she raped a minor.


There are legal definitions of abuse that not only take in to account the accused’s intent (are they purposely trying to cause physical or psychological harm and/or control their behavior) but also the span of time over which the behavior occurs.

No problem.

Simply by creating the work, the artist has copyright over it. Registering a copyright is a tremendous legally advantageous move, but it’s not legally required in order for the creator to claim ownership of the work and thus take appropriate legal action (it’s just more difficult to pull off).

It’s a big deal because I shouldn’t have to accommodate someone if they want to be an asshole.

No, that’s not the way it would work. You would only be accountable if you actually said something abusive. Simply saying something that someone doesn’t like isn’t abusive. This is not the PC Facist Nightmare that so many people fear.

As a white man married to a black woman in North Carolina, I have say much to say about this whole thing.

Good on Riot for banning this guy, and I hadn’t even heard of him until today.

An actual interaction I had once playing Halo 3.

“I feel” is nowhere near as dangerous a phrase as “I believe.” Society absolves all kinds of injustices because of somebody’s beliefs. Case-in-point: defunding Planned Parenthood, exemption from birth control and contraception coverage under the AHCA, and denying services to homosexuals are all rooted in arguments

It’s on my wishlist, but unfortunately no.

Sure, but those moments of disappointment would come at the worst possible time.

“Okay, all I need to do is roll a 2. I have a 119/120 chance of passing this check.”

It’s only smug if you’re using this as an opportunity to make yourself look more intelligent. Not getting that vibe from you.

So, I’m a man, so I don’t have to worry about having painfully large breasts, but let me try to put myself in an analogy that might be roughly equivalent.

No I do, I sound like an asshole.

Agreed on both counts.