
I get that he’s trying to make a sports analogy and it came out horribly, terribly wrong. That doesn’t excuse him from recognizing that if he read it as written (because he was reading a speech somebody else had written off a teleprompter) it would come out horribly, terribly wrong.

I don’t know why I’m laughing at that terrifying image.

Start with the short story collections, published here in the US as The Witcher and The Sword of Destiny. Then, move on to the series of novels starting with Blood of Elves. If you just want to hit the high notes, then the stories “A Question of Price” and “The Last Wish” are the ones that most heavily influence the

The main problem that people I know have read the books have with the show is characterization. For example, my wife stopped watching because she simply didn’t find any of the characters interesting anymore. She’s also read all the books; I don’t think this is a coincidence.

I don’t have a problem with a hero that uses lethal force. Every major Marvel cinematic villain except for Loki has been killed in some way, and I still watch and enjoy Marvel movies.

Yes, especially when it comes to the dynamic between her, Geralt, and Ciri.

Yes. They do refer to events and characters that happen in the books, however. For the most part, you wouldn’t get the references if you haven’t already read at least some of the books.

When you take out your loaded gun and wave it around in a roomful of children, then any shooting that results is intentional.

Not necessarily saying I get this vibe from your article, but the vibe I *do* generally get from book fans is anger at the show runners for outpacing the books.

I doubled my graphics power for $400, no deal with the devil necessary.

I’ve long held that non-academic fraternities should not be allowed to be associated with schools in any way. Do away with the lot of them, unless they attach (at the very least) a GPA requirement of at least 3.0. Current members would be grandfathered in, but no Greek organization would be allowed to accept new

I didn’t find this funny, because this is exactly how these people think. They really think that they are oppressed, and that the Liberal Fascist Communist Marxist Atheist Gay Agenda pulls the strings in our economic, legal, and political systems all to one end—the complete destruction of Christianity and a new age of

I worked for an employer once who loved to pull the “be thankful you have a job” line. It was often used a threat. They would remind how bad the economy was and how hard it was to find a job right before reaming us about some bullshit customer service complaint that was completely unfounded (at this place of

I don’t think that’s goofy at all. I think that’s exactly what this is.

An unsolicited groin rub doesn’t count as sexual misconduct, no. It counts as SEXUAL ASSAULT.

Sweet hell, I’ve seen this video many times before but only until now did I realize how close he was to them.

In BvS, there’s one point where Batman has effectively removed an enemy combatant from the fight. He’s been physically disabled and no longer presents a threat. Then, Batman stabs him in the heart.

Look, y’all are asking the people of North Carolina to be reasonable, logical, progressive, and non-judgmental. Take it from somebody born, raised, living in, and probably will die in the state: you are literally asking for the impossible.

“I get to feel good about feeling bad for another human being.”

Once, I had a certain amount of respect for this sentiment. On the surface, it gave the impression that the person was willing to—despite the commission of what they understood to be a sin—treat an outsider with respect and dignity. “I don’t agree with what you do, but I’m still going to welcome you and show you the