
I spend most of my off days buying supplies, reading book reviews to determine what to add to our school library, designing instructional sessions for students and staff, reading professional material, and exchanging emails with administration and instructional staff to make sure everything about our school library


It’s kinda-sorta been done. Jeffrey Deaver’s Bond from Carte Blanche is actually quite modern and progressive (at least in comparison to the source material). One of the better scenes is when he talks himself out of making the moves on a female co-worker because she just got out of relationship and is vulnerable.

Can’t tell if you’re trolling or not, but...

That was painful to watch.

Black Ops III: Haven’t played a CoD game since Modern Warfare 3, and only played that single-player for that. I remember having fun with the multiplayer on MW2, and it looks like Treyarch has made some positive changes for BO3.

I would try to speculate on that but, yeah, I got nothing.

If she did put the phone up, then yeah, its infinitely worse. The priority is to remove distraction. Distraction gone, carry on. If the teacher had asked for the phone and she just put it up, take that as a win and carry on.

Deescalation > Immediate disciplinary action.

That’s because just about everybody that would qualify for those free games already own them, and WB is well aware of that, hence their humble act of charity...isn’t really an act of charity at all.

I respect the fact that they are giving PC gamers something in exchange for their troubles (from experiencing a horrible launch and then having to wait for four months for a game that was supposed to be a simultaneous multi-platform release) and/or goodwill (from those who managed to get the game to run and didn’t

You’re both geniuses.

When CD Projekt Red was railroaded over the graphics in The Witcher 3, I said—time and time again—that the main issue wasn’t the graphical downgrade, but the lack of communication over one. They didn’t address it when it first became an issue, and it was only after the release that they gave even a stumbling excuse.

I feel your pain. I bought the physical disc hoping to bypass a lengthy download. Not only did I still have to download about 90% of the game, I was on pins and needled about it working.

I couldn’the be less surprised that WB isn’the offering anything to those of us who bought it on launch day, didn’the ask for a refund, got it working on their PC, and have been playing the subpar version of this game for five months.

I really hope that any and everyone that mumbled the word “downgrade” after The Witcher 3 reads this article, especially the bit about game development being easy and realistic graphics being overvalued.

..dear God, you’re right.

There’s no way in Hell I’m going anywhere near this game.

You should fire your technical services department. These are valuable resources they aren’t even pretending to implement.

WHHHAAAAATTTT you didn’t get your books from the Magic Book Tree?