
It's almost worth it to find a used copy of this game and the necessary controller to play "Something for Nothing."

It looks like this is an official DLC release from EA, not original recordings from independent artists, which is what the RBN was for.

Does this mean they are trying to revitalize the game? I mean, you don't just drop new DLC for a four-year old game out of nowhere, for no reason.

The clarification just makes it worse.

As much as I agree with your critique of the level's game play and its relevance to the rest of the game's chief mechanics, I have to say that this level is the very definition of a necessary evil. The events transpired in it are necessary for the story, and the developers could have given us either a long and

Excellent point.

I don't think they were winging it. Obi-Wan told Luke the story he needed to hear, that his father was a good man who proudly served the Republic. Think about that immortal line from Ep. 5—"What I told you was true, from a certain point of view." In other words—he straight-up lied by omission. He deceived Luke into

I see your point, but I think we forget that a villain's—not just Palpatine's, but any villains—major downfall tends to be their own arrogance. Palpatine was secure in the knowledge that he was the Emperor for the rest of all time, and that his authority would be perpetual and unchallenged. He probably didn't even

Isn't Anakin tricked into thinking that Padme died before giving birth in Ep. 3 though? I seem to remember the Emperor telling him that—that's what elicited that epic scream/shout/moan "NNNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!"

Pretty much the same arguments I've been hearing, along with enumerating the ways that possessing a broken game is somehow the consumer's fault and not the company's.

That's already the case. When the major ISPs are carving out territories and agreeing not to compete with each other within those territories, they're creating monopolies, giving them carte blanche to do whatever they want.

Remember the limited edition collector's comic that was advertised on the original arcade cabinets for MK and MK2? I have both of them.

This is probably the most important step. I've lost count of how many times I've been shouted down by apologists when actually holding a game, developer, or publisher to task. Way too many people are just unwilling to admit that, hey, their favorite thing is flawed.

I've not played Destiny, but I make it a point to read everything I come across about it because it's such a contentious game and I like to stay informed about the gaming world as a whole, not just my niche in it. With that being said, I just don't understand why, despite how fun the game is at a basic level, why

Short answer: the higher the numbers—including price—the better.

AMD 8350 4.0 GHz: check.

Is it just me or is this trailer all epic and dark and super serious guys?

I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. This game is the kind that I just want to guzzle down, but so much of it I just don't understand. Plots and warfare are especially vexing.

I've only played the digital version of the game, which runs on the same ruleset. I do intend on getting the physical version because I'm a huge fan of the Witcher franchise and want to support in any way possible (we WILL have a movie in my lifetime!), but I agree that this is definitely an ultimately

Context and tone are actually fairly straightforward and objective terms and don't enter into the qualitative analysis of a work.