
Yes you do. Some of the best gaming you'll experience without a d20.

That Newegg code is only for the white headset, for those that care.

As I recall, he pretty much says as much in Casino Royale. Vesper calls him out for using his real name, and he basically says that anyone who wants to know they are there already knows.

Not a holiday goes by that I don't get my wife at least one POP figure. They're absolutely perfect for gift-giving. If you're near a Hot Topic, hit them up: they usually have a really good selection, and they are (to my knowledge) the only retailer to have exclusives.

"...how many people want to be locked away in a dark room playing spaceship pilot while the real world passes them by?"

Awesome, Robocop's on sale!


On the one hand, this game needs to come out as soon as possible because I need it like the desert needs the rain.


Half-Life 3. I'm calling it, right now.

I would add:

When people ask what the best comic book adaptation to date is, I still say it's a tie between The Crow and The Dark Knight. Yes, we've had some amazing comic book movies since 2008, and it should be obvious why The Dark Knight is up there, but The Crow was a well-paced story with little to no filler and some of the

It's not that he has no impact on the outcome of the film, he just has an unintended outcome. The Nazis were digging in the wrong place. He found the right place to dig, but it just so happens the Nazis ambushed him and claimed the prize for themselves. Had Indy not found the Ark, the Nazis would still be out there,

Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that this was supposed to be the 8th generation debut for AC, with Rogue being the swansong for the 7th generation, but then somebody at Ubisoft decided that they needed to debut on the PS4/XB1 sooner and Unity was kind of sorta rushed out (at least in comparison to Victory?).

While I'll agree that this particular letter maybe put it on a bit thick, I agree with your overall complaint. The main reason I don't play MOBA games—despite actually really enjoying them—is because most of them have a leave penalty. Life happens. I shouldn't be penalized if I have to leave the game because, I don't

I got a Razer Blackwidow Ultimate for $95. It's more than I wanted to spend (I was hoping to pay no more than $80 for a mechanical keyboard), but this one had all the features I wanted and was at least less than $100. I've been doing rather well in the Steam sale, having spent less than $100 total so far.

That's my one gripe about it, yeah. I don't necessarily miss an SP campaign, but on those days when my Internet is wonky or I just don't want to be around people in any shape or form but DO want to headshot grunts with my Smart Pistol and rampage around in my awesome giant robot, SP would have been nice.

I won't disagree with you that companies get away with this stuff because consumers keep throwing money at them, but still: that does not absolve them from releasing a sub-par product. If anything, it should encourage them to release a working product so we throw EVEN MORE money at them.

I can generally get into a full game most times I log on. Sometimes there is a few minutes wait, but rest assured: people still play this game.

1. You don't know it's garbage until you pay money for it, take it home, and play it. Sure, you can read reviews, but when there's an embargo on reviews it makes it kind of hard to do that before launch day. While I agree the smartest thing to do is to wait a while and actually read some reviews, my next point is...