Wonder Womaaahn

My apology then, I misread your statement and was unfair to you.

...God forbid! Are you saying a man would be the victim here? And that a woman could choose to participate and enjoy degrading public sex? How is that possible?! It is not, dear sir. Women are not capable of such choices - we are not as strong, smart or independent as men, we are in fact the weaker gender and overall

Oh please grow up - if you have an emotional trigger over rape stories then don’t read them. Gawker isn’t your nanny, you can click away.

Sorry, but I watched the video and the girl appears to be voluntarily naked, smiling, rocking back and forth to the music and she even grabbed his hand towards her V. Sorry kids, but this does not qualify as non-consensual, just sick frat shit that is wrong on every level. The crime was hazing and possibly

I always felt (no fact here) that it was kind of an Italian-Spanish-Portuguese- Catholic holiday. It seems like a bigger deal to certain cities in Jersey and Mass...

YES, I love all of your TV show ideas! Especially one with Brad (“Our Famous Dad!”). Terri Hatcher can play his funny but deeply neurotic ex-wife who shows up unannounced with young and hot self help gurus, cleanses and pet Pythons. Cameos will include Amal Clooney, Ban Kee Moon, the Dahli Lama and Princess

Surprisingly, yes! He seems like he’d be very fun for a night or two...but keeping him sober enough to finish (start?) anything may be tricky.

That’s a little intense and frankly, sexist as shit. Sorry, but the wishes of the extreme who make media and click bait should not define our views of gender, either way. The day that we imagine paranoid delusions of men as monsters who want to rape and kill women, who want to chain us in basements for child rearing

Teen sons have a way with words and mothers/aunts that seriously provokes violent rage...not that it’s ever ok to act on it, ever. But it’s kind of understandable to some of us...

Am I being weird or does it feel kind of yucky-racist when tabloids write anything about Louis...

Wait, Esmerelda has one little foot out of the door? Is she wearing Queen Elsa socks and waiving a finger at both of them?

And please be careful with the word “researcher.” If anyone on this panel identifies as an “abortion researcher” they are an absolute crack pot. I would be curious as to which research university (R1) and position they have that qualifies them...do they report to the Chair of “Abortion Science”? And while I’m ranting,

Oh, that’s just called a family reunion for Irish...

It takes one to know one...

‘Or, she can deliver the baby, wait six weeks and have the procedure elsewhere at a non-Catholic hospital or clinic....’ So technically, it’s not a life saving procedure (but thanks for the click bait). Sorry folks, i’m not in support of it either, but this is not factually correct. It will save her life if she

So you’re ok with another person judging whether you can publicly write or speak about an issue based on opinion of whether it’s dumb or offensive? And you work for Gawker, right?

Wait, you know my husband?

#Unitednations...was supposed to be #UntiedLohan but ash finally dropped....

Try growing up the early 80’s - my neighbor’s mom had coke on a mirror just by the kitchen counter, for when her “friends” came over to discuss their PTA (“oh, girls, just leave that, for now.”) and my father blew cigarette smoke at me while driving a 65’ Mustang with a broken passenger side window (that wouldn’t

Do you feel like there’s mysoginist tones behind their hatred? For context, I am a right-leaning Democrat, to the point where even if one Republican candidate stood up to their insane clown party on the environment, racism and poverty, I would consider him or her seriously as an alternative to Hilary. I cannot stand