Wonder Womaaahn

Beautiful response - this is the type of dialogue I’ve tried to have on this site for a year, and I agree completely with your insight. I work at a university and have college-aged step kids. At first I was infuriated by the entitlement/laziness combination in this generation - they shout their brilliance unabashedly,

I believe there was a prior precedent used to move this forward, in the case of a woman who wanted to bring the fertilized eggs to term. It’s weird as the precedent is a double-standard with respect to abortion, where the law ruled a viable fetus after a certain term...

This was a fabulous response. However the definition of casual sex has also changed. I’m 40 and have always loved sex, but have largely had monogamous partners. The few times I chose (being the key word) to have casual sex, it was a blast! But I attribute that to the fact I knew and was friends on some level with the

Perhaps moving out of their parents house - and their original bedroom complete with teddy bears - would help with getting laid....though it may impact that high quality of life.

Do you know what perpetuates “rape culture?” Covering bullshit stories with rumors and hysteria when there are actual, verified stories of campus rapes that could be used to educate, rather than self-aggrandize and bully people people who DARE to question the lack of facts from the accusers. What kind of person

We don’t deal in facts here. You won’t get a response, and if you try to argue anything counter to the story, you’ll be bullied and called a rape apologist, rape cheerleader, or other such names that distract from any analysis grounded in reality.

Kids - rape is not a guy taking you into a room at a party and trying to have sex, that’s called college. Rape is not consensual sex, friendly flirting and calling reporters mean for trying to find any evidence of any truth. Rape is not saying yes at the time, but regretting it and deciding later it was a no...it is

Does anyone have an infinity pool accident story they can share? I have an irrational fear...

Here we go...in spite of deep investigations by Washington Post and NY Times, NY DA and other reputable individuals and agencies, thousands - if not millions - spent on this woman’s false allegations, people think a liar is a bad ass bitch. Columbia has its issues, no doubt, but glorifying false accusers further

I was going to answer you with sincerity, until I read the last snarky line. Why respond at all if you’re convinced about my background or views?

My God, this is the best writing I’ve found in a year on Jezebel. THANK YOU for the Monday laugh - Mad Max was AMAZING and brought my husband and I to literal tears, freaks that we are.....tho it didn’t go over so well with the teen girls, who prefer their feminism with commercials and Marvel frat banter. They’ll

Apparently white victims are more important than women of color, as are their perpetrators. A white man raped a white woman and we should tear him apart, make him viral - HOW DARE HE!! But a minority who commits the same crime is rarely mentioned outside of broad statistics - and the victims? When was the last time

Minorities are defined as several more ethnicities than just black (or “blacks,” as you referred), including Latino and Asian/Pacific Islanders - all of which suffer disproportionate access to resources, leading to higher crime rates and incarceration at earlier ages for first-time felonies or repeat misdemeanors. And

Not trolling here, but in earnest, why are people ok with putting a teen rapist in prison - “locking him up and throwing away the key” so to speak, but it’s considered a human rights violation for putting the same teen rapist, but with a different skin color, in prison? There are so many programs focused on getting

He’s playing to the industry at the awards, not necessarily to the public broadcast.

Is the photo of Mariah from her Vegas show? Because I want BIG hair, curls that flow with voice...Vegas needs late 70s Diana Ross glamour for Mimi!

My mother would do something like this, without my permission or knowledge, and guess what...I found a photo of her in her COLLEGE year book, where she stood naked in the 60’s - on stage! - smoking a joint - as an example of the “rich counter-culture art opportunities for students”...hippocracy is the source of most

My apologies Rhonda for just “discovering” you this week, though I liked the Expendibles 3 - I had no idea. This awesome story is a testament of pain, anger and bravery in success and defeat....fuck everyone’s matching tea kettle warmers, it’s about winning at all costs, except when “all costs” mean the loss of

Is it so hard for people to conceive of a woman being strong enough to stage a rape? If he did it, then there will be evidence, which is sounds like there isn’t enough of to convict him of a crime. As such, why do people autonatically assume any woman who claims rape to be a little flower who couldn’t have controlled

I left my 10 year old in the car for 5 minutes, in front of a hospital, to get help as he had injured his knee and couldn’t walk into the ER. I walked out to see my child out of the car - security guard’s hand on his shoulder. I asked what was going on, and they were “Reporting” me for negligent parenting. When I