
My Dad is Swiss, from the French-speaking region that borders Lake Geneva. Before he moved back about 7 years ago, he lived in America for about 35 years, nearly all of them with my mother and I, until they divorced. His English was so good — despite being a terrible student in it when he was young, and even though he

SO glad someone mentioned this. This show was too good to last. I’m way overdue for a rewatch.

They’re the reason you keep your finger on fast-forward when you’re rewatching a Mission: Impossible movie.

He is! I’m sure he knows it. Everyone who sees him, in person or just in photos, always calls him beautiful or handsome, and I can’t disagree! And he loves making biscuits on that blanket, so I figured he’d enjoy being wrapped up in it.

Nonetheless, Iron Man 3 is a total joy. [...] It’s my favorite of the Iron Man movies.

I couldn’t believe it! Apparently the lower elevation areas that got some (like Malibu? WTF!) hadn’t seen it in like 60 years. Madness.

Don’t tease me, you know what I do for a living.

Thank you for the good vibes! He is a beautiful boy, it’s true, and I definitely have a stupid amount of photos of him on my phone, not that this would surprise anyone to learn, I’m sure...

Thank you so much! I could really use some about now.

D’aw, I love that the songs make them feel better! It’s obvious it helps them feel less scared. That’s a very sweet thing to do.

Grosse Pointe Blank is basically a perfect movie.

Sadly, no improvements since last week, and I’m starting to feel some real dread settling in.

I love L.A., and I ride hard for my city.


Honestly, if you use makeup remover — either the liquid form, or remover pads, or one of those magic removal washcloths (or some combination of all three, which, frankly, anyone wearing makeup should already be using before washing their face, or you’re kind of missing the main point of washing your face to begin

Honestly, if you use makeup remover — either the liquid form, or remover pads, or one of those magic removal

It’s been a rough few weeks over here.

Ugh, I’m so sorry.

Not sure what city you’re in — it may be harder to find something like this active for a smaller one — but here in LA, since I’ll likely be moving in a few months, I was invited by a friend to a Facebook group where people post both wants (as in searching for a room or a place) and openings for apartments, room

The past couple weeks have been crazy, so I haven’t been on here much at all, and it seems I’m late to this once again, but better late than never?

Yeah, I know that one well.