
I was about to make a comment about whether or not DMC4 was truly awesome, but then I noticed it was “Awesome.” not “Awesome!” and that’s just dead on. Half a game with Nero and half a game with Dante was probably its biggest setback, because it just feels like a small experience.
I’m right there with you that NT’s DMC

There’s going to be the weirdest group of us just staring at the Millenium Falcon trying not to scare the kids by crying too obviously. 


Even if this were true (it's not), the shots, idiot.

You sound like a cult member. You even have a babbling term for everyone not in the ingroup, “AstroTurf”

Shut the fuck up.

Or, you know, Ubisoft can stick to the original promise of having a character that can align with the player’s sexual orientation. Instead they sorta shoved some sort of conversion idealism down the player’s throat then called it “Growing Up” via a trophy. I’m a heterosexual male, and even I shake my head at that

Probably every single moment of the first Fatal Frame. It wasn’t just when the ghosts showed up that was terrifying, but it was also the lead-up to those moments. The feeling of dread when the game has been a bit too quiet for a bit too long and you know something is about to happen, but you don’t know which direction

Not during gameplay: Fatal Frame (aka Zero aka Project Zero). Some of the cut scenes in that game (I think the first more so than the 2nd) are just masterclasses in horror film-making. It does not work in jump scares too, it’s often the opposite: it slows down. The heroin is intrigued my something and she moves toward

I really need to get around to Evil Within 2. I’m as big a fan of Mikami as one can be, the man is still one of my heroes of the industry, but man oh man...I just did not enjoy the first Evil Within at all. That said, everything I’ve ever heard about Evil Within 2 says it fixes most of the big problems I had with the

As a fellow child of the 90s, i understand and studied her myself. 

I studied Daisy Fuentes extensively, but unfortunately never quite nailed it

Republicanism is like a dozen donuts on a table where a rich guy, a poor white guy, and a poor black guy are sitting. The rich guy comes, takes 11 donuts, then says to the poor white guy “that black guy wants your donut!”

I’m a girl, so all my life I have been told that my clothing sends messages to other people. If I wear a skirt that is a little too short or a shirt that shows a little too much cleavage, I am apparently communicating that I consent to being groped or worse.

What if your job is to masturbate while watching Trump speeches? Would that mean you’re Sean Hannity?

I mean, I knew that. All puzzle games deserve a Lumines-style makeover because Lumines is one of the most perfect fusions of visuals, sound, and gameplay to ever exist.

I was thinking the same thing! I’m too afraid/paranoid to do it...

Totally agree. I consider myself to be of average ability in gaming. Not that good, but not that bad either. I usually quite comfortably beat games on normal settings. But this one on “Hurt me plenty” is turning out to be really challenging for me. Yet so many on here are giving the advice that it should be played on

Just like David Lynch. I’m in.

It’s so cool how the New York Times bends over backwards to give a platform and voice to people who want me dead because of the color of my skin.