
It’s a schooner.

What makes RE work that Evil Within doesn’t have is that double culture filtration. “Double Culture what now?” you say! It’s when you see tried and true American Horror Cliches, regurgitated back to you by someone to whom they are foreign. Resident Evil games are zombie games, and they pump out zombie tropes like a

Try it in PSVR then, it’s fuckin terrifying. I’ve only got up to the first real fight against Mia just after you get the handgun and i’ve about shat my pants a few times already and its not just the jump scares. The flies and bugs and rot of the house itself add so much to the atmosphere when they’re only a few

I think RE7 was there series first straight up horror game. They really turned up the spooky shit in the first half of that game. Even though the last section of the game turns back into a regular RE game, the shifted perspective still makes it feel different. That being said, I think RE: Code Veronica is my fav

Would the story have been at all affected had Lily been replaced with, oh, let’s say ... a muffin?

Wow, people who haven’t purchased JC3 are so lucky!!! It’s an awesome game. I HIGHLY recommend buying the “Air” DLC which includes the jetpack. It will completely change the way you play the game!!

How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?

Why show a couple sketches in a notebook that is decidedly bad for sketching since the pages have bumps on them? That’s just a bad advertisement image, imo.

Why show a couple sketches in a notebook that is decidedly bad for sketching since the pages have bumps on them?

I call Okami “the woof game” and I’m 43. It’s also the reason I still own a ps2 (that and We Love Katamari, which I call “the rolly ball game”).

There was a German company called StarVox (pronounced StarFox), so the EU release was StarWing (and StarFox64 was Lylat Wars).

Did they at least get extra time in the plastic ball pit?

Not only is this despicable, it’s testament to how ignorant and stupid these cretins are. Bad animation can be the result of slow tools, unfriendly tech, limited staff resources, and countless other factors (including but not limited to the fact that getting human faces to feel “human” is really friggin’ hard). That’s

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Track: Defeatist | Artist: Eisley | Album: I’m Only Dreaming

All I need to say about this is we ordered two units, one from Amazon for me and one from Target for a buddy. And his arrived first. From Target.

That’s not the crazy taxi I remember...

That’s not Crazy Taxi

You are not using the correct acronym for those candles, see the one you used is already claimed.

You are not using the correct acronym for those candles, see the one you used is already claimed.

Great news; your efforts just made a lot of people’s jobs easier. Thank you, Jason!