
Red Dead. Seems like they enjoy more realistic settings. 

I remember being an 8 year old little gay boy and having so much anger because I knew I was different, then I met Sailor Mars in one of the early episodes who also was filled with so much rage and I remember feeling very seen and heard, and watched her overcome that anger with friends. It’s strange that recognition

Just for fun, here are the Sega consoles as well:

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

No way, that right-swipe action is the coolest thing in the whole game.  

Something for your children to throw away when you die.” that describes my entire videogame collection

She has savings and is still working from home. She wouldn’t risk their financial future just to buy a Switch. She was able to afford it. The girl wanted one last year, but she waited until they had more cash and until the girl was a bit older and would enjoy some of the more complex games.

She is currently stuck inside everyday, doesn’t get to see her friends or relatives, had her party canceled and is scared of whats going on right now.

I’ve been playing with my five-year-old and had similar experiences. He enjoys stealing stuff from around my house and gets mad when I take it back. He threw a tantrum because my house was bigger than his (and he was tired). He got mad because I won’t give him a better axe to chop down random trees.

I think you meant prefix :-)

Rachael Leigh Cook [swoon]!

God family guy is fucking stupid.

Hey folks! Please use the comments to talk about the games you like and the ones you wish got more attention this decade!

Please do not use them to shit on other people’s suggestions or to bitch about the list. Kay, thanks!

I don’t play Kingdom Hearts so none of that made sense to me, but I assume if you know what’s going on that paragraph holds some interesting info!

One of the early Dragon Warriors, being on an NES cartridge, would occasionally screw up and delete your save file. When it did this, it let you know when booting up by replacing the normal opening screen and upbeat theme with a special screen with the bad news and what as a little kid was the most ominous/scary music

The Wish List rules. I take so much advantage of it, that i actually reached my max Wish List limit the other day. I had to delete stuff from it to add anything else. The Switch has too damn many good games! It’s overwhelming!

The Wish List is super handy, but I also feel likes its necessary because of how poorly the store is set up in general. If I don’t add a game to my Wish List when I see it, chances are within a month or two it is buried so deep that I will never see or think about it again. It is helpful to be able to pull up just my

New and better list:

NO PSO?!!! This is an outrage!