
Yes, thank you, I like you too.

Oh okay, so you're too heavily medicated, drunk and incoherent to even be aware of everything you just wrote. Got it. Hey, have fun at your next therapy appointment. You will definitely need to discuss your mommy issues at length while weeping and curling up in the fetal position.

There is no way some Millennial doucher would be anywhere near as awesome as 44 year old Jim Whitcomb.

If you're bitterly whining about a past relationship despite being married and you allegedly have this great career, then you have some serious emotional issues. My sympathies. Hopefully your wife will not take it too personally when you start to unravel once again and blame it all on her.

You're the one choosing to have relationships with people that hurt you. The common denominator here is you. But because you're so fucked up, angry and bitter from being so damaged, you're unable to see it.

You dated her, man. And you turned down your personal boundaries enough to get really close with her. You sound seriously damaged and broken. If you're picking women who hurt you, maybe you're a masochist who enjoys it.

Haha, if only.

You're probably the crazy one. Psychotics never realize that they're crazy and accuse everyone else of being crazy. And they'll make up stories about it too. Like you with your "diagnosed, certified and medicated" bullshit.

You have no social skills. That's why you blame the other person when really it's all you. You just don't know how to discuss a serious issue.

Oh for the love of god, lady, there's is no need for all this verbal diarrhea.

He beat his kid with a tree branch.