
Truthfully though, mass producing clothing that fits most people perfectly is just an impossible endeavor. There are too many variables involved. People's bodies are so, so different. You have to consider shoulder width, arm length, bust size, torso length, etc. Even a shirt that is a size 4 will not fit all size

I did learn to sew specifically because I can never find shirts that fit both my shoulders, boobs and waist so I aim to fit the largest (boobs) and then tailor from there. I have to alter every dress because for some reason being plus size must mean you're shaped like a raisin instead of an hourglass. And for some

You're really really pushing it here.

Kim K is a lot of things, but I don't really see "gold digger" as one of them. First, she wouldn't have married that nobody basketball player. Second, she, love her or hate her, has done a hell of a job branding herself and making a ton of money out of it.

dont you think you are reaching a bit? Who said anything about "shallow gold-digging significant other"? KK is filthy rich in her won right.

So, Kim is a shallow gold-digger?

OR "How I bombed Syria pre-emptively to deflect media from Lewinsky" - that works.

Look at you, lying about what I said. Do you really think a man ought to be lying about what a woman says when discussing sexual matters? What does it say about you, that you falsely accuse a woman of lying?

Ooh, look! False equivalency strikes again.

What you're discussing is false equivalency, though,———-as usual.

He's one of our resident MRA's. You're wasting your time.

Yes, let's just ignore all the ads, all the discrimination, all the exploitation of female sexuality on TV to focus on one little sliver of whatever this is. Let's ignore our whole culture.

Huh. Show me the centuries of female mutilation and distortion of male sexuality against a backdrop of total female domination? Oh, wait.....

Why boss? You don't think she'd want to be there willingly unless threatened with termination?

False equivalencies: they're fine if i can be the victim. Now party on!

What a bad idea. I really don't like Jay Z.

Nonchalantly? It's not exactly like the guy caught him back-handed while sipping a coffee. Dude seemed to be very focused, very worried.

Basically, you're telling people who do NOT have the rights that other people do, to shut up & blend in & stop calling attention to themselves, as if THEY were the problem!! You can pretend that I'm twisting your words, but everyone else here can see it plainly, & it's why you are being called out for it.

Oh, don't worry, you sound like a trolling dick irrespective of what Crash Comet, or anyone else wants.

Marc Jacobs is pervert and mind controller!!! He is responsible for this whole show!!