
It's not just about Monica Lewinsky. There have been affairs, sexual harassment as well as accusations of rape. Read a little about it.

In terms of sexual harassment, abusing power being and being a predator... what's the difference? I'm not talking about Clinton's charity work, that shouldn't matter. I'm talking about his record of abuse.

I gave it 15 minutes. I found accusations of sexual harassment, rape and an abuse of power in regards to a sexual relationship with a 21 yr old intern. I also found his signing the repeal of Glass Steagal which many blame for the financial crisis as well as the signing of NAFTA which is often blamed for a loss of

Also, if you don't truck with cheaters, I guess that means you don't truck with Bill Clinton.

Well, I don't see why anyone would hate on Dov Charney and Terry Richardson but praise Clinton. They all seem to be doing or have done the same exact thing.

Seems there are a few differences. And let me say, I'm not a Hart fan. Seems nice enough/friendly enough, but I don't think he's funny at all. Kind of can't stand his thing.

Well you said you don't like cheaters. He cheated, several times. Sure he didn't leave, but he is a cheater as well as accused rapist and sexual harasser. He settled the sexual harassment suit out of court.

You must despise Bill Clinton then. Most here give him a pass.

Torrei has been going on major media outlets rehashing her split from Kevin Hart and the fact that he cheated and is with another woman now. Yes, cheating is bad, but she's obviously creating a storm to promote her show. He responded on twitter, didn't say anything out of line or offensive and Jezebel is criticizing

Well really, between the two of us, I think I'm really in the better position to know what's up with my jeans. Everything the Levi's guy is saying is true. I live it every day for over a decade now. I'll also say, I only wear one pair of jeans at a time. Each pair last about a year to 18 months. Which isn't

Guess I'm not your husband then.

Never said anything about the US doing that to Iraq. They did however overthrow democratically elected governments in South America in the 70s and 80s because those governments nationalized their utilities.

Yeah, they certainly didn't invade Iraq for any kind of natural resources either. And they've never overthrown democratically elected governments who socialized their energy sector. No, that NEVER happened.

I go outside, daily. I even ride my bike everyday, at least 10 miles (commute to work, errands, fun) even in the hot as hell summer. I live in NYC, so there is no yard, anywhere... but I do sit in the park in my jeans regularly. I don't have a car, but I do have a motorcycle (65 Triumph) that I work on regularly.

Or perhaps you're supporting an imperialist capitalist war machine of a government that doesn't give two shits about human rights when there is money to be made. I think it's the latter.

No to sound like a snob, but I believe it's a given all jeans stretch a little, even jeans with zero lycra in them. I've always just bought my jeans a size or half size smaller than what I'd like to wear. After a week or so they're perfect.

No shit they're my words, I typed them. And people who support the overthrow of democratically elected governments and death squads and torture don't come out and say 'Yes I do this' or 'Yes I support this', they make excuses and justify by saying things like 'It's the Cold War' or 'War on Terrorism'.

Aww, you support the overthrow of democratically elected governments. You support the torture of detained suspects. America America America!!!

I never ever wash my jeans. Ever. They don't look dirty, I don't get sick from them. No skin problems, whatever. Nothing. I know it sounds gross, but it seems to be fine. Once jeans are washed, they're completely different. If that is what you're going for, cool. I personally don't like what washing does to