
Just being a working mother does not make someone a feminist. There are tons of working mothers who still believe in perpetuating patriarchy.

She isn't the only. But not only does she not speak out against it, she does it herself... photoshopping her own slice of life instagram photos. Perhaps I missed a response, but I haven't seen her respond the thigh gap accusations.

"Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women. Without Airbrushing." I believe the "without airbrushing" part would rule out the constant Bey praise.

Of all the strong women in the spotlight and those who should be in the spotlight, why is this woman paid so much attention here on Jezebel?? She's not a feminist. Being a successful woman does not make one a feminist or a role model. She has no views on politics, economics, or social issues. And this faux stance

Dodai, I think it's pretty cool that you've never ever color corrected a photo of yourself. You're keeping it real, setting the bar for all of us.

We may be talking about women but the desirability of male musicians is there prior to adulthood. Again, most musicians aren't rich or even have much money at all. As you said, women are smart. If they wanted to get rich from being pregnant, they would go to bars in the financial district. Banging a musician on

Man, if you're married, I'd hate to be your wife. Honestly, you're a straight up mouth breathing backwards thinking dimwit. A lot of women, just like a lot of men, want to bang someone hot. They aren't trying to get pregnant, let alone pregnant bc a baby will mean money. They just want to bang. That's it. There

Sure, that may be the case too. But still, has nothing to do with money.

Most musician are broke and struggling. Most musicians see no money. Most musicians can't make a living off their music. Don't kid yourself. Nothing wrong with women thinking guys in bands are hot just because a strong confident man wielding his craft is in fact hot. Really, money has nothing to do with it. Guys

What you're saying doesn't seem to be true at all. If it was, so many struggling musicians wouldn't be getting so lucky. Band guys, even the broke ones which are really most people in bands, are notorious for hooking up with women. I don't think it really has anything to do with money.

There were two or three comments that disagreed with your original comment, all seemed pretty thoughtful and genuine. If you dismissed those, that's unfortunate. If kinja is being kinja, that sucks for all of us. It just seems like all the comments that disagreed with you are now missing.

I'm not seeing a handful of comments. With the exception of one comment, the 'missing the point' graphic, the rest seemed to being genuinely discussing how to interpret what Feinstein meant. I'm most definitely not seeing the comments that disagreed with the OP.

Sorry. This is off topic. Just trying to understand kinja. I don't see a bunch of the comments in this particular thread that you started. Did you delete/reject some? This thread was quite a bit longer than what I'm seeing now. What happened to the rest of the comments that I now don't see? Is kinja being quirky?

I appreciate the very thoughtful response. I do disagree though. Really, just from what she said, the sentence as it stand alone, it's impossible to say what it actually means. It can be taken as either of the two ways you've outlined. But given I do know about her, her views and history, I do not think she is

Since you're just so smart and I clearly missed the point, thanks for the graphic otherwise I would have been lost, please enlighten me.

When did she say anything about all previous tickets fully representing men and women? Seems like she is very much saying that so far, none have.

If their methodology wasn't scientifically rigorous then the results are 100% completely meaningless. This 'study' is dumb as hell and why you're covering it as if there is something to get from the results is mind boggling. Gawker Inc. actually pays you to do this?