It helps to read the story...even just a little.
I truly think that the statement is about empowering Willow to consent to only things she wants to do and not be coerced into things she is not comfortable with. I don't think it has anything to do with rape/non-consensual sexual acts since she made it clear that rape can happen to anyone. I also think that this is…
Oh, honey. If this doesn't scream "please like me, men! here's my tit!" I don't know what does.
And I can already smell the barrage of think pieces from pop culture critics trying to dissect a marriage they were never a part of.
One day I was sitting on the bus behind a girl with headphones on with a guy started calling her "Blondie," and just generally telling her how he'd like to get to know her. He wasn't particularly crude about it, but it was clear his attention was unwelcome. But he kept trying, and she kept replying in monosyllables…
Ah, so it begins, the transition from racism to misogyny. I'm looking forward to another eight years of President Clinton. Hil will handle the GOPers at least as well as Bill did.
#FalseEquvalent In order for a man to get mocked for his body, he has to rise to the level of morbidly obese (and perhaps smoke a lot crack). Hillary has a typical female form for women of a certain age.
Didn't think the sentiment could get any more vile. I think I actually read about that at the time. Australia 'wins' this round.
A very similar line was printed on a Liberal Party (Australia's answer to the GOP) fundraiser dinner menu concerning our former Prime Minister Julia Gillard - 'small breasts, huge thighs and a big red box'.
But of course, the skin can't be too thick, especially in the thigh area, right gents?
I think I'm giving up on humanity for a little while.
Someone who wants to be a plaintiff.
Replace "nurses" with any other field and you've basically got a population study going!
She obviously was looking to file this lawsuit when she applied for the job. This is someone (more likely an organization funding her) looking for a lawsuit to push their agenda.
Absolutely! And it is badass.
Ultimately, the act of naming a child after yourself as a woman is an act of preserving your own name. But that name is probably your father's name.
"Ultimately, the act of naming a child after yourself as a woman is an act of preserving your own name. But that name is probably your father's name."
Uh, yeah. You gotta start somewhere, though.
I don't want kids, I don't think. I definitely am going to keep my name.
I realize we're all third wavey up in here, but I…
Our kids have my wife's last name. I don't know that anyone has ever brought it up with us. My wife has a reasonably public job, so I think people mostly have learned to just go ahead and talk about us behind our backs.
Everyone should do what Latinos do, keep both the parents' last names. I essentially have four names (first one + middle + paternal last name + maiden last name) and it sounds so badass when you say the whole thing out loud.