
Why do I now feel like "There is no crack in OUR pies" will be the conservative platform soon.

Leslie Mann and Judd Apatow took a selfie of themselves both squeezed into a t-shirt. That t-shirt was covered in drawings of Lena Dunham in various stages of undress.

When a campus cop tells a woman hes going to slam her on the car if she doesnt obey him, and the college thinks thats perfectly ok, there is seriously something very wrong with that college.

and we hear that argument over and over and over and over ... "He's just an old white guy ... (implying we should give him some slack)". Be the change you want to see in the world. But also, hold others to a standard too.

New boss; same as the old boss.

Introducing New Pope. Classic Pope flavor in a more aesthetically pleasing bottle.

please, stop.

One last thought, on why I think I was so conflicted at the end of this experiment:

I really appreciate your ending comments about living as a fat person and your relationship with food. I live that everyday but hadn't really thought about it in those exact terms. Thanks as always for making me laugh and making me think. You're the best, Lindy.

It's really simple. Just roasted beets, butternut squash, and shallots on top of quinoa and arugula with a cider vinaigrette dressing and some toasted pumpkin seeds. Done!

Would anyone be interested in my similarly-themed DIY article, "Everything I Fucked Up While Trying To Act Like Anthony Bourdain For Most of My Twenties"?

Choosing Disney princesses for this campaign actually makes a lot of sense. Saint Hoax was right - if you're trying to warn minors about rape, Disney princesses are a very effective way to get their attention. Because of the familiarity of the characters (in both senses of the word), these images are creepy and

Oh, I'm cynical as HELL. That's why I know this won't work without the light from the outside shining on their program at all times.

Sometimes a problem is so pervasive and odious that the only way to eradicate it is to drain the swamp completely. Yeah, it sucks for the parties that will be negatively impacted but were not party to the crimes, but if that's part of he cost of tackling rape culture it's a cost we must bear.

I smell a larger fleet of unpaid interns being brought on board.

I feel like he's not smart enough to be a cartoon villain.

Maybe their experts are kinda shitty?

"Confounded by what to make of this occurrence, EPA management "consulted" with workplace violence "national expert" John Nicoletti, who said that hallway feces is in fact a health and safety risk."

My first thought was, what is this kids home life like?

What's the over/under on the number of parent-teacher conferences they've already had about this kid's creepy behavior?