
Maybe it's just 'cause of how round its eyes are, but that owl looks positively terrified. Poor thing. =\

That Commentary tho. Fuck Yeah!

I'm a complete cynic but I really believe that if the company was doing ok financially, he'd still be employed. He has been a pervy ass from the beginning. I'm not complaining that he's been fired, I just am doubtful that it wasn't primarily financially motivated.

I'm not obsessed with Beyonce at all. I do like some of her music, certainly not all, but I do find her very boring offstage. I'm ok with that. I'm ok with only having interest in Beyonce the performer. Is her music generic? Yes, it is but so is most popular music.

Her letter to Michelle Obama was completely cringeworthy. I can't take her seriously after reading that.

Sooo who else has heard that Jay and Bey's marriage is strictly business?

No, no Beyoncé. You are too tight-lipped to spill the real tea and Seinfeld already covered the "Show About Nothing" trope.

She's just whatever, her music is generic and sure she's pretty. But damn do I find her boring. I just don't get the obsession a lot of people have with her.

Beyonce is a Jesus Freak, so I'm not even sure what your point is.

I'm pretty sure Jez just posts about her a lot to troll us. Nope, actually, I'm totally sure.

They allowed nuclear weapons to be stationed in their country for the sole purpose of being aimed at our country to threaten us during war time (yeah yeah it was "cold"). The government that allowed that is essentially still in power today. You can't just go and visit there directly for a reason so to go visit there

What's with the obsession? Really. I mean, I really dislike Beyonce. But even if I think of my most favorite artist, I wouldn't want a weekly show about them doing whatever. That would just get boring.

Will she be discussing vacationing in Cuba and/or being married to an admitted drug dealer who has never done time for the crime?

I feel like I'm one of the few people who haven't jumped on the Beyonce train. She is beautiful and a good singer, but I'm just like "meh, another celebrity who lives in extravagance."

Same. Mine were from etsy and had been screenprinted. I didn't even know what American Apparel was until I was like "WHAT ARE THESE HEAVENLY CLOUD SHIRTS? I MUST HAVE MORE, BUT UNPRINTED!" *detective work* "AH-HAH! Oh..." *sad trombone*

If it's taken them this long to oust him, the "misconduct" must've been very underage.

This is the best news I've heard in a long time.

yeah...that's not okay.

No, you are also allowed to work for them if you're a naked 70-pound 14-year-old.

Good, fuck him. But that doesn't mean I have to start buying American Apparel's boring, overpriced clothes again, does it? (I like their hoodies though, maybe I'll pick up one of those to reward the company for firing him.)