
Because in the tribes that wear headdress they are sacred objects worn at specific times with specific meanings. You don't get to wear other people's sacred objects because you think they are cool. For more info read this: http://nativeappropriations.com/2010/04/but-wh…

OR, she's a shift worker who doesn't have a 9-5 job, and that's why her kid is in a night daycare.

I left my child at an after hours center to go to a dinner with work colleagues. I was scheduled to be back by 10:00PM. When I picked up my daughter, she told me the worker was grilling her for places I would be at so she could call and tell them to tell me to hurry up. Supposedly, she called several places in the

My theory: Us yids have been surrounded by talk of social justice, whether due to family history or Talmudic studies. The Pope is a Jesuit, and they're an order that's pretty down with the social justice stuff. So when the Pope starts talking about income inequality 'n stuff, we think, "Oh! He's just like my

They aren't celebrating Flag Day, they are visiting an Indian reservation. How shameful that so few earlier Presidents have ever visited Indian reservations. Who the fuck cares about Flag Day anyways?

So dramatic. You do realize there's a difference between vising a reservation for the third time in 80 years and visiting a reservation for the third time in 80 years to celebrate the flag of the nation that conquered you?

I've said it before and I'll say it again... there is sooo much room in Canada y'all.

Otherwise, to the state, you're just a vegetable garden.

He also has a really animated face. I've always thought that helped, but I'm a childless DINKWAD, so maybe I'm confusing toddlers with my dog.

Here's hoping Lincoln grows up to be a wonderful vampire hunter like her namesake.

BTW, I own the dress Michelle is wearing. Talbots!

Obama really seems to have a way with the children. I bet he plays a mad game of peek-a-boo.

I've always been a little ambivalent about having gone to a women's college. But the older I get, the more I think it was the right decision for me. Sure, rape happens everywhere and women rape too. But there is something to be said for there being no problems more important than women's problems. And also, very

Or it's a way for them to acknowledge their own culpability or participation in oppressive structures, and examine their own attitudes and work on changing them when necessary.

you mean teaching men about feminism and issues that face women makes them more sensitive to those issues?? wow! so if we taught them not to rape, they might not? mind = blown!

I just want to bake them all cookies! Welcome to the resistance guys!!!

Katie is still on?!

Well, we've been training and selectively breeding dogs to be our animal helpers for thousands of years. We've been selectively breeding cows to provide food and leather. It's different.

Go ahead, assholes. Tell us again how "only white people and like seven Indians" care about this issue.