If they are worried about sunscreen, I have to assume glue and plasticene are also off limits.
If they are worried about sunscreen, I have to assume glue and plasticene are also off limits.
Nothing about Rihanna suggests she's indiscriminate about..well.. anything. Slut panic over.
Here's the thing, I think Rihanna's choices are way more about fashion and controversy than they are about being "sexy to attract men". See how she dresses other times, in loose guy pants or harem pants and a hat - and she's not hiding, it's just a different side of her fashion choices.
What the actual fuck? (I'm Canadian, forgive my ignorance on this.) WHAT THE FUCK!?
Posting any pictures anywhere without approval is cause for dismissal. Dats it.
It's so cute, the vertical isn't even bothering me!
Smartest comment otd.
What you mean is, in every other way she looks and comes across like a dumbass tool, so why should we care what she thinks now, right? That's what you mean?
I have just the mug for this
It's pretty clear when she writes that it goes through the Fox News machine and comes out as something else.
Cue Rachel Maddow. Mwahahaha, this could be good.
To quote Patti Mallette in NYT:
His mom's racist, too.
Eh, I would be more concerned with the doctors not being the worst assholes on the face of the earth before I would worry about what they're wearing in a classroom. Only one of those things carries over into the workplace, and that's the attitude. At work they will be wearing scrubs.
Who cares what they wear? When they are on the job, they will be wearing scrubs anyway.
Speak louder? Open the door? The people who need to hear you can't hear you. This echo-chamber needs to talk to that echo-chamber. Hopefully this can open the door to conversation, so this nightmare doesn't get repeated in any way.
Due process of the university is good enough for expulsion, no?
On what set of legal principles is this based? Actually asking, not facetiously. Presumably if he is found guilty in a trial, he should face legal penalties like PRISON, right?
Why does one have nice skin and the other one not? I want to know what the one on the left is doing.