My thoughts precisely. Or alternatively, if you don't want event he chance of this happening, make sure you have a willing sexy times partner.
My thoughts precisely. Or alternatively, if you don't want event he chance of this happening, make sure you have a willing sexy times partner.
Stop doing that. It's not okay.
Stop doing that. It's not okay.
Stop doing that. It's not okay.
Wouldn't underwear be easier?
"I can see your balls from here and they are not that big"
My thoughts exactly.
Is that not what Tinder is for humans?
Shitty take, Isha. I have come to expect better.
Aw FUCK. Margaret Wente consistently says the most infuriating shit. If you want a better discussion of this very topic, see the episode of TVO's The Agenda with Steve Paikin. Watch the video - Steve's blog post there is bad and they call him out on it.
This reads like satire to me. Too bad it was not meant that way.
Except that her neck looks reeeeeeeeeeally long
I think it's happening. I'm usually so pessimistic, but yes, I think now is the time. This weekend, North America changed and Europe changed, one better, one worse.
Glad I don't watch tv.
It's like it might be a new thing that men and women can interact and they don't have to have sex.
Oh please, do it. Let me help. Let it be Lysistrata/The MRA's utopia. We can work out how to emphasize the satire but yeah, do this.
What else would it be?
Time to break up.
Unfriend that shit.