if tl; dr, then this is all you need to know:
if tl; dr, then this is all you need to know:
She must have a death wish!
Yeah he doesn't have a rep for having especially discriminating taste...
To his games? TO HIS GAMES???
I'll admit that if I saw that kid, it would throw me for a second. I wouldn't want to teach that to kids, though. Time for us to get over it, and never let them have even the slightest hangup about it.
Too bad, so sad. Go to school, make friends, be decent. You don't need a friendship club to survive university.
The US and others pitched in to help find the plane. Why not kidnapped girls who are about to be sold? Planes are okay, but you draw the line at human trafficking? Wtf is wrong with you?
That she does, but this is not it. This is concern. What the hell is your goddamn fucking problem?
I'm involuntarily drawing some parallels to the kidnappings in Nigeria. Teenage girls for sale. Basically human trafficking. Nice, guys.
The whole point is to show you can play along even though you disagree. This is how you be socially acceptable. Don't make a fuss, don't make anyone uncomfortable.
Do as I say, not as I do, right?
Delusional? Or indoctrinated?
Don't you mean caveman?
yaya, I noticed that he was working, but I'm pretty sure if it were me I would be hiding/running away. For me the self-preservation instinct would be stronger than the 'can you believe this shit' thing. What do I know? I'm just a Canadian. We have, um, a different relationship with guns.
I'm with you. Canadian, wants to get a gun license for legit reasons. I was reading over our very sensible carry rules and who can and can't and why carry a loaded gun when and where. Sensible.
Yay Canada
Is anyone else finding it just a little strange that the unarmed black guy is standing along side the armed white guys? No? Just me? Okay. I'll show myself out now.
You're getting in their way, in their territory, and if you're not lifting as much as them, it means they have to change the weights more drastically. Fucking crybabies.