iHateHumanity...and lost burner passwords

Bah. Next man up! 

After reading this as a packers fan... I mostly just want weisswurst now. 

Honestly, when that new parent is running on 1 hour of sleep for the past 3 days and their relationship is falling apart and why wont you stop crying and OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT SMELL!?....

...it might read as an advertisement. 

No, you’re not the only person who feels this way. Is it important to get SOME time alone? Yes. But my fiance and I are a package deal. I dont need to ‘go out with the boys’ so that I can do and say things that I cant when she isnt around - because I dont do or say those things. I expect the same of my friends -

My degree is actually IN the crusades, and trust me - historians dont look at them as one lump event. Laypeople do, but historians certainly don’t. I cant imagine we’ll be lumping the world wars as ideologically equal anytime soon either. Generally we look at ww1 as the end of the 19th century and the end of the wars

“German empire’s WW1-era war flag”

If you’re referencing the flag in the picture, thats the Reichskriegsflagge - a war ensign and not the flag of the empire.

Getting rid of him for prospects looks better and better every day. Bravo Brewers!

Most of the country isnt LA! 

There are people who are giving insightful, intelligent commentary on your post but since you’re not listening to them I’ll just join the chorus of the obvious.

You are a rampaging asshole with no idea what you’re talking about. You are the bad guy.

I’m sure they’re going to MAKE money on all of this. They got the ratings last year, and the virtue of the cancellation. They won twice, and all it took was their souls*

*Just kidding. They’re TV execs. They dont have souls.

This comment does not belong in the greys with me. I regret that I have but one star to give.

Thats a absolutely rational and sane thing to think.

It’s telling that his postmortem finds things about other people that are the problem, but apparently not things about him...

Dear Dealbroken - You are in no way even remotely ready for a relationship (by the tone of that letter, anyway). Relationships are 100% about compromise - and you’ve admitted you cant do it. Asking people to cut off their families makes you an asshole by the way. I know we’re supposed to be supportive here, but I just

Or, and here me out here, YOU can fuck right off Shawn. I know. My band photo sucks. My refusal to buy DVD’s I’ll never watch sucks. Ned Yost sucks (okay, that one’s valid). The how I met your mother guy - yeah, he sucks too. 30 seconds to Mars also sucks. Carly Rae Jepsen is cool though.

Answer - the actual story wasnt flushed out enough to be interesting, so we rehashed the past in order to fulfill our engagement quota with fresh indignation. Internet journalism!

Well, just one more thing that will help the right cry ‘down with the nanny state’!

Mike - Enjoy your work. I dont have anything brilliant or classy to say other than you help make cube life bearable. Get better soon.

*Not a spoiler per say, but could lead you down the path to finding one*

Odds this is atmospheric bounce you’re picking up relating to the events going on in the outside world?

Thank you for doing your job in defense of the American Consumer. I know I’ll be voting with my wallet.