Thanks for the information - my source was my ass.
Thanks for the information - my source was my ass.
my ass agrees with you.
Unrelated - but I always griped that the ships were unrealistically rusty in world of warships, until i saw pictures of the modern Russian navy. Given that wargaming is a Russian company, it all makes sense.
Just guessting here - but the coast guard pilot may not be qualified to land on a ship. Also, even if she was, its almost certainly still safer for everyone involved to winch the fella up - landing on a moving flight deck is dangerous and hard. Just ask that osprey crew from last week.
I’m not advocating armed revolution at all (seriously, I don’t agree that this is a good response to this article) - but I’m not entirely sure that the US government would be magically better at fighting an armed insurgency in the most well armed country in the world when we’re not so good at it elsewhere. Also,…
Yup. I will not, however, forgive you for Theo just ensuring that your damn Cubs beat the everloving hell out of my Brewers for the next 5 years. Damn you for that.
Unless you’re a southsider. Then we’re cool.
Just ignore them. People *really* like feeling superior. This generally means they arent.
Google works wonders. The “Wilhelm” scream is a wonderful bit of fanservice.
People are pissed because they called it Battlefront. If it had a different title, most of the hate goes away. Understanding that the ‘Battlefront’ name was taken for marketing reasons and this was never intended to be a true successor is...not something people are willing to do, because they want a new BF game so…
So....whats up with all the “not Tyler” content on here of late? There isnt anything wrong, per say, with the other bloggers, but the thing that set FA apart (to me) was the exceptionally high quality of each post that you produce. The ‘here look at a neat video!’ posts are most decidedly NOT what I (and i’d guess…
What the actual fuck? Who the...what the....huh!?
A. Fucking. Men.
Complaining about the language people are using to decribe their daily struggles because its childish? All the adulting.
Get after it. Honestly, yes, some people may be using this in the manner described, but for many of us we’re describing real challenges that are being overcome. Whatever that means to you, you should be damn proud of it. Measure by your own yardstick and be proud of your successes.
The, Effing, worst. Autoplay should be made illegal.
I have the 24 oz variety, and it really is the best mug ive ever used. just picked up a 20 oz for backup, or gifting. You are all crazy if you dont do likewise.
I have the 24 oz variety, and it really is the best mug ive ever used. just picked up a 20 oz for backup, or…
wrooooooooong universe.
Hey, Link has seen some SHIT. You’d look a little tired too. Stop judging.
I’ve sold a few things to that boat - great to see her finally getting out there. Her power generation with the new weps that the navy is starting to bring online makes me think we’ll be talking about her for a long, long time.