must be your username. on point.
must be your username. on point.
Man, on the flip side of this... I live (yes, “live,” been 3 years now) in a foreign country and every single time I come home (once a year maybe) or catch up with friends in the US I have trouble talking about my experience. I’m not even “traveling,” I have a 9-5 job and a boyfriend and a dog and I’m fluent in the…
I agree! Facebook has this awesome thing called *albums* so unless a bunch of different pictures are getting a lot of different comments, chances are it will only show up in someone’s feed once. But please, for the love of god, don’t post 20 of the same photo. Please. I like looking through your travel album, but I…
Wow... what a terrible story. :( Obviously this involves a whole lot of bad luck, but I think it’s extremely lucky that it rained enough for her to survive on rainwater. It pretty much never rains in Palm Springs.
i wanted to post something clever but the only thing my brain can think right now is “lol wut”
I’m not a dad (not even a male!) and I make dad jokes. Like, all the time. My friends hate me but my boyfriend thinks I’m funny. I worry for our future children.
Most terrifying coaster experience of my life: This one time on the way to Vegas from LA, my friends and I stopped in Primm to ride the Desperado at Buffalo Bill’s as was our tradition on our regular weekend Vegas trips, as it’s a good chance to get out of the car, stretch your legs, go pee, and be scared half to…
So basically, what you guys are saying, is never go to Alton Towers.
Like, ok, aside from the unnecessary misogynistic jokes, why is the toilet outside? And did they really make a wife-clinging-onto-running-man logo to wash off inside the toilet? I can only imagine briefing a designer on this project.
It has been my dream for years to have a king size bed, but living in tiny urban apartments forbids it. Also I’m 5’2” and I don’t really need it. But I promise you, the first thing I buy when I move to a bigger space (whenever that may be) is buy a king size bed and stretch out my body like a starfish on it every…
I kind of want to try this but I’m weirdly afraid.
Gah, science is such a dream crusher sometimes, right.
There are so many things wrong with this commercial it’s really hard to know where to start. And I work in advertising, I’ve seen it all.
I honestly feel bad for the kid. If you don’t learn the word “no” at a young age, you begin to think the world revolves around you, and it’s a pretty soul-crushing experience when you find out at like, 22, that it doesn’t. I had a fairly cushy upbringing (no nanny organizing my combs and few gadgets with specific…
Unless it’s artisanal makeup. Wait... this could be big business.
just realized that ruth bader ginsburg and my dad share the same initials. huh.
god that hair!!! she just kills it at the colored hair game, seriously.
Oh Amanda. When I lived in LA I dated a guy who was a talent manager (never again, guys, never again) and one of his clients (or his boss’s clients, I suppose) at the time was Amanda Seyfried. Mind you this was years ago, before people really knew who she was other than Karen from Mean Girls, but one of the stories he…
so much for her last fuckable day right