
I was going to make a post about how my kids drove me insane today and I am counting the minutes until they go to bed (18 at the moment). That's when my almost 2 year old came up, sat by me with a blanket and said "night!" looking all angelic. It's like she knew I was going to post about her hellish behavior of

There's a 2nd book. I plan on buying it next year when middle school starts (ugh, I'm so not ready to have a middle schooler. ;) )

What was the other book you bought, if you don't mind me asking?

My kid's school doesn't even do The Talk. I remember back in the old days of the late 80's watching film strips about puberty in elementary school. The one video I remember the most was in 4th grade where the girl that played Annie aged out of the role by hitting puberty (this was 1990 so forgive me if I don't

This book is the best. My friend recommended it to me a couple of years ago and I pass it on to all my friends with daughters.

I had to stop hate watching it. One episode had a mother of twins who she made them compete against each other. One twin always won grand supreme and was a witch and the mother encourage her to lord it over her twin sister. The nice sister won one prize and she was so happy until her evil twin was like "Mommy says you

My dad met Ryan Reynolds. They were staying at the same hotel in Lake Tahoe and apparently the two of them hit it off and had this long conversation that made all the women my dad worked with jealous. He said he was really cool and that he didn't know who he was until after the conversation was over.

That's an awesome story! Totally sounds like something my own grandmother would do too.

Some more as this is bringing up a lot of memories.

Laura Prepon accidentally burnt me with a cigarette when she lit up in the middle of a crowd and did not apologize to me.

My daughters are half white too. I have a feeling they will get some major side eyes when they tell people they are half Hispanic. Their skin is white as snow and they all have big blue eyes. I wouldn't think they were mine but my attitude, facial expressions, and snarkiness are strong in them. ;)

I'm Hispanic too and I've been told I act white all my life. A neighbor once told my mom she was raising us white, whatever that means. Growing up my family was the token family in the suburbs. The housing boom changed the demographics of the neighborhood but it was like 90% white when I was growing up.

I'm watching it. Gossip Girl meets The Tudors, I love it.

I'm sooo cosmetically deficient to much make up wise as I only learned to do the bare minimum so I don't look "tired" in public. Lol.

She's 10. I've been helping her with her eyebrows for about a year, maybe 2 now. I never thought I would have to deal with this so young but she is a big time early bloomer unlike me. I was 12 when I had to ask my mom for help with my eyebrows and that was after my drunk father embarrassed me at a family function by

I got them at Target.

Yes but I wouldn't wax my 10 year old daughter's eyebrows myself, let alone a 3 year old like that teen mom Farrah.

Why wax? I've used an eyebrow razor for my oldest daughter to get rid of her unibrow when she asked me. Quick and painless.

I worked at the Happiest Place on Earth during my last pregnancy. You don't know how many times guests thought it was okay to touch my stomach like I was some sort of Disney sideshow included with admission. One of my coworkers told me that I looked like I was going to rip a guest's arm off the first time it happened.