america needs more chest hair, tbh.
This! There is just no way in hell that this didn’t get him in trouble with Gisele. When my ex-BIL started taking his sidepiece to friend gatherings before divorcing my sister, all the women made their husbands shun him for shamelessly parading the woman he cheated with, and promptly informed my sister they were…
The fuck?
He just happened to shoot the wrong lion. People are “outraged” because this one had a name. If he would have shot one of the no name lions, like what’s been happening, Jimmy Kimmel wouldn’t have been on TV crying. Next time he can do like all the other rich white people and shoot black/brown people. No one cares…
Little did she know that she’s showing the ultimate of white privilege by making an exhibit out of a dead black person. #StopWhitePeople2015
My family has a cabin on an island that is only accessible by boat, so we have a boston whaler. One time my mom was seated on the edge, my dad revved it up a little too much, and she feel off into the nasty marina. No one noticed until we were across the bay and the golden retriever started flipping out trying to jump…
I’m not sure how much of an outright disaster this is, but it was pretty funny, so I figured I’d share.
I have done my one good deed for the year. I AM DRUNK WITH POWER.
fiona apple scratched me and it was awesome.
She strikes me as self-absorbed and rude so thank you for validating my irrational dislike of her.
She’s also a scientologist, so.
Finally the reason Denton said we need burners has arrived.
I'm just saying, I should be making this show. You guys know it.