
I wonder if any of the Tea Party douchecanoes went to Disneyland afterwards and left in horror. This weekend is Gay Days at the parks.

I hate when people ask me if I didn't vaccinate my youngest because her older sisters are on the autism spectrum. Of course I did! These are highly educated people too.

That's my mother. She would say the cruelest things about me, my husband, and my kids. She would never apologize and then call me a drama queen for being upset. It was different when it was just me, but she goes after my kids for stuff out of their control (the fact I conceived my twins out of wedlock and that they

I'm struggling with resentment too against my family. I was disowned for finally calling them out on their horrible behavior towards me. I haven't seen my parents and one of my brothers since Christmas and my other brother since Aprilish. It's tough not letting it consume me. I just can't comprehend how they can treat

We might be moving to the boonies and I'm dreading that!

My mom wanted to write me off a few years ago for bringing shame to the family with my out of wedlock pregnancy. I found out recently from my cousin that my aunt verbally slapped the crap out of her for that. My aunt passed away 2 years ago and now I'm disowned over something else. I guess my aunt really kept my mom

I was dancing when we got Verizon FIOs were able to dump Time Warner. Like a stupid ex that doesn't get it, Time Warner keeps popping up every once in a while to ask us back. NOPE!

One of these days I want to fill up a trenta cup from Starbucks with a bottle of my favorite wine.

My husband quit because I lost my shit on him. He was whining about not having money to do something he wanted and to summarize my bitching out it was "STFU, if you didn't smoke we would have a couple hundred bucks more a month." The next day he was on the patch and it's been 3 years since he quit.

I tried to convince my parents to let me change my name to Caryn when I was 9 after I saw it in a book. I still think that spelling is so pretty!

I'm a Karen and born in 1981 so my classes were full of girls with awesome 80's names like Heather, Tiffany, Jennifer, Melissa, etc. I hate my name. My daughters have pretty names as a result, though nothing in the top 10 for the year they were born.

I feel you. I failed my parents big time even though I'm straight. I didn't marry some rich frat boy douche. I got divorced at 27. I got pregnant out of wedlock after my divorce and refused to marry my baby daddy( I did eventually). I'm a failure based on their Catholic Values even thought my brothers have done worse

I got the nastiest food poisoning of my life at Olive Garden in 2004. I have not set foot in one since. We ate at Red Lobster for my daughter's birthday this year and it was gross. She wanted Joe's Crab Shack but it was too busy so she asked for Red Lobster. Waaaaaaay too much butter. Blech.

I'm the same. I know far too many parents that never go through with discipline threats and their kids walk all over them. She shouldn't have aired the girls' dirty laundry out. Just put the tickets up for auction, maybe with a winky smiley and leave it at that.

I got married at age 20 to my first serious boyfriend because I thought it was going to be my only chance. That imploded after 5 years. My mother's "If you're not engaged before age 30, there is something wrong with you," BS really messed with me.

I wonder if my parents still expect me to take care of them in their old age now I've been disowned. Before I was disowned they would make comments since I'm their only daughter and the last couple of years I would respond with"Look to your perfect little boys for that," instead of "Of course!"

On my very first date some asshole yelled at my date the "Why don't you fuck her already? I did!" crack. He thought it was funny. I didn't get it (I hadn't had my first kiss yet and was a very naive 16 year old.)