
You had me at “

Curse of the TV show The League! They Had AP and Richardson on it and they are both abusers. MJD and RG3 were on the show and they proceeded to suck afterwards (so did Richardson) and they Brent Grimes on the show without his more famous wife! JINX!

Tried to hump my carpet while I was naked many times. I mean that isn’t really bad or good it’s just there!

Wait what???? Jesus Christ we are living in a Nightmare world created by some sick son of a bitch who wants us to suffer before we die in our sleep. At least in Freddie’s Nightmare world he would have killed us by now!

Goddamn it, it was my best year as well! I thought I finally could become a professional gambler! Guess I’m not smart enough to do that, back to working for the Trump Administration for me!

Yeah I don’t get people who wouldn’t spend all of their money on their dog’s! My brothers dog needed two surgery’s over the year’s, we paid for them and she is a happy 14+ year old German Sheppard. Great life for a big dog and we didn’t even thing twice about the money! Good for you guys!

I’m sure the guy who called this how was also one of the guys who were calling David Price racist names over the summers.

Whose a good bear, whose a good bear! Then he gives you a bear hug like the one Homer got! Still, whose a good bear!

Yeah, I live in NYC and my mom is a devot Muslim. I’m getting ready for the day I have to beat some shit head silly and use my all of my lawyer friends and the fact that my brother is a cop from doing any serious time. At least the Majority of people in the city are enlightened non sexist, racist, homophobes. You do

Go Torts, hope the doggie is well. I take vacation days when my dogs need surgery and recovery time. Fuck people thought, you all can take care of yourselves!

And people were saying “women have equality already, what more do they want!” Well they want you fucking sexist cocktards to die. Is that asking for too much! Jesus, I hope we get a Mexican Muslim women as our next president so these people will lose their minds!

I apologize for putting us in this time line. All that Jerking off came back to bite us all in the crotch!

Why would I take Advise from a bunch of pencil neck geeks from the Deadspin family! NERDS!!!!!!!!!!! Now let me go drink my Gallon of water, Muscle Milk and Fight Milk! Ogar smash!

Jesus, so let’s put Gun’s in schools to protect kids. I mean what can happen? Oh wait, the person with the gun in the school can be a killer themselves and murder all the kids or how about this glass half full notion. Instead of a mass murdered the person good be a sexual deviant and decided to force the kids to have

God I hate being a Yankee fan most of the time now at days!

Nah, my Hooker is awesome. He’s the best, he brinks the Booze was well!

Ah shit man, he is only 18 years older than Me. I need a drink and a hooker now to make me feel better. Jesus.

I’m sure that Dog is thinking “ I can chase that ball down better than these guys can!Let me at it let me at it, I’m a gooooooood boy!” I think dog’s playing hockey would get a higher rating than most baseball or basketball games!

lol! I’m 43 so I will never be in the best shape of my life ever again. But I am the guy in the office whose arms are too big for his shirts. But so is my gut, so I have that going for me! 

If Vader would have held a Decoy ship with his grasp, I may have fainted. But just killing those rebels scum the way he did, that was the moment of 2016. Well that and Trump winning! You Libtards!!!!!!! Uh can I come live in one of your basements? I’m scared to leave my house the closer we get to January.