
Damn Libtards, can’t see that he already has made America great!

Let’s just start the count down to 2017 tonight and skip the next 4 days. Oh wait, then we get closer to Trump.... Jesus Christ do we need a time machine or what! Ugh...

Young Vader murders people, I want to frame the poster of that movie!!!!

Great now I’m crying at my desk reading about Fernandez again and then seeing Dee Gordon cry running around the bases. Easily the most powerful sports moment for me in 2016. Even over the Cubs finally winning it all.

Sure, when they wear it that’s fine.  But when my 230 pound ass wears it I get called into HR for having “issues”. What is this communist Russia!

Creed playing Sacrifice while this is happening! Here you go... it will be stuck in your head like it is in mine now! Someone shoot me!

Wait what? Do the Yankees win the WS as well? Even being a Yankee fan, I’m terrified of these outcomes! The end is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I blame the Baby Boomers, no Generation X, No Generation Y! Same shit different decade, blame the young people.

As soon as I got to the point where he was alone for a year, I knew where this was going. I just figured he opened her pod by hoping on it and dry humping it till he broke the pod! Man a year alone with only lefty and righty, I may have done something similar. I would have told the robot bartender “okay let me see how

Jesus Christ, I read his account then watched the Video. So I thought she slapped him and then started wailing on him. WTF man, she pushed you, walk away! If she hits you while you are leaving you have the right to shove her down or ask for help from people around you so you don’t do anything to aggressive. He just

This is why Trump won, because our Leftist New Yorker thought Attack of the Clones was the best Star Wars Movie (Sith as well but maybe he just loved flipping Yoda). What the Fuck was this review about!

Better than Episode 7. I was so happy that everyone died, it showed you the true cost of rebellion. So amazing. Vader did the run in that I wanted Luke to do at the end of the Force awakens!

Just mentioning Fergalicious has me laughing so loudly at my desk. Now this hilariously awful song will be in my head all day. God I hate and love you guys/girls!

God, I was so scared one of my drunken wrestling or football tweets was in here. Wait did I just admit that I drunkenly tweet about football? I’m so ashamed. I mean who doesn’t drunkenly tweet about wrestling!

Hey if he would have gotten away with the Dildo it would have been

Man the last time I took a rubber cock to the face it was the be.... I’ve said too much......

I was at a bar with my friend killing time before going to see Rogue one. The bar has a 90 inch Flat screen, I swore people were going to go into shock from watching those awful awful “rush” color’s Seattle had on!

He should be in. Granted he would probably call me a dirty Muslim Terriorst if he saw me and I would then beat him within an inch of his fake bloody sock life.....but he is a HOF pitcher. He is also a HOF Cunt. I think that is an insult to cunts but what the hell.

It was the best Star wars movie since empire. Showed the real cost of rebellion against an evil empire (too easy). Now Fuck You, Godzilla was awesome! No, not the acting from the main cast but Godzilla himself was a balls crazy badass. So go Fuck yourself! :) Good review though! Keep up the good work!

I work in the FD (Battery Park area, close enough) and I rarely even go drinking around here because the people suck! I’m also a raging drinker! Which goes to show you how much these people suck! If you want to drink in Manhattan you can live in Brooklyn and Queens and get to the city in under 40 minutes!