
What’s the deal with Deadspin’s new apparent obsession with referring to everything as “trash” or “garbage?” It’s oddly pervasive.

I love that you’re deleting comments, Jia. That’s rich after all the whining about how “If it’s true, we publish it.”

“This is ‘Mel0” with his number of Final appearances, 0, as the “o.”

This post was even longer than Tommy Craggs’ self-pitying resignation letter!

Yesterday, you wrote a touching piece about how Craggs rescued you from misery, self-loathing and crippling bitterness. Then, you write this and I think Craggs still has work to do.

I think it’s a little like paying application fees to colleges or grad schools. I’m sure some of it is profit, but it does cost the NHL money to review proposals and research the viability of cities.

You leave my mother out of this!

If you’re not funny or talented, you’re only left with snark. It’s a blogger’s Great Equalizer!

Because they’re cripplingly insecure.

Oh, you weren’t trying to stir outrage? Then why did you mention the cost of a guacamole platter? How was that relevant to the story?

Zen and the Art of Mediocrity Maintenance

That was hilarious, but when they showed the replay of it from another angle, you could see that when the caddy’s hand went up, Johnson had closed his eyes in prayer, and when he finally opened them, it appeared he couldn’t see the hand because it was in his periphery.


It sounds like this movie is offensive, and that’s a problem. But, when you start complaining about movies “catering to the lowest common demoninator,” you’re veering into snobbery and classism. People have different tastes, and not every movie has to be Citizen Kane.

“Every movie is designed specifically to cost less than the mouth breathers who will still pay to see it so that both him and the studio came out on top.”

Yeah, it seems like Tom might be cherry picking his data, here.

A toothpick through the middle keeps things intact and permits you to eat the burger whole, as God intended.

“Thou shalt not deliver a money shot, for creampies pleaseth the Lord.”

Carrie. Not Carrier. (It was a typo, not a wacky Deadspin pun. I promise.)

This woman’s response was awesome.