
@Cats: Depending on a game's TOS yes. And if you want to play SSF4 on a keyboard, you are more than welcome!

@BeerManMike: No, it would just be a regular old advantage.

@emag: I forgot about the recoil reduction too. Absolutely cheating.

@emag: You're oversimplifying the issue. The SSF4 example seems especially egregious. There are times where you humanly cannot do moves given your position or whatever movements you are doing.

@Steven Ansell: Keep them separate. The last thing we need is all of their problems with no one else to challenge it.

@TheCrudMan: I'll disagree with Avatar in my personal experience. Where did you see it? Was it RealD or Imax 3D? I saw it a month ago during the rerelease in Imax 3D and was extremely impressed. I does look a little fake, but I didn't get the "flat cards" effect or feel that it was too dim. The colors and light were

@shaunmcilroy: I think he's being ironic, as in people will abort children at this age saying they're not yet human.

@William B. Shropshire: Xbox 360. Zune Marketplace. 1080p streaming. And yes it works well. It can work over wireless too.

@Chris Braak: Don't forget the albino, screaming gorillas shouting his love for Mom.

@Tyrunn: There is nothing in the Constitution that states the government can forcibly restrict or penalize private companies or individuals for purchasing or selling "violent" or "adults" materials. People might try wiggling in how the ability to purchase unsavory materials will somewhat ruin the fabric of the nation,

@CubemonkeyNYC: Netflix is not 1080p yet. Granted even the 1080p Zune stream won't match a Blu-ray, but it should be closer.

@theblazeuk: Wasn't that Demolition Man? Or did they do that ALSO in Time Cop?

@JinFei3: Oh I thought you meant the 2008 version, especially since you mentioned the female ally.

@JinFei3: Yeah Prince of Persia was really gritty......

@dumlaox: To be fair, that release was Raiden Fighters 1, 2, and I think Jet. It doesn't include the original Raiden.

@optimusprimerib: Extending our foreign invasions, government growth, and government spending doesn't sound like a change from Bush-era politics.

@CJinSD: Self-enlisted soldiers are not the best and brightest. At best, they're overly optimistic kids.