
@Methossa: It involves finding a memory card that hooks up directly to your PC and then changes some values in the save file with a hex editor. I'm not sure HOW complicated it is, but the payoff would be sweet, sweet continuity.

I actually ordered a couple of the newer homebrew games for it recently: Last Hope: Pink Bullets and Dux. Can't say if they're any good just yet.

@Methossa: Does your Dreamcast still work? I'd suggest importing Shenmue 2 for it, but only if 1) you don't mind missing the English dub and 2) want to carry over your items and stats from Shenmue 1. This step involves a little extra work however.

@Hadouken: It wasn't a great controller but it was "alright." I didn't have any major issues with it. The parts they did include felt good to me, like the d-pad, analog, and triggers. They felt tight and responsive. People seem to hate on the d-pad but I really like it. It's very long, but somewhat mushy. It works for

@Shiryu: Thought I was the only one who bought this game. Paid out the nose for the extra special limited edition. Mouse pad and separate jewel case for the soundtrack! That wasn't really worth the extra money, but I'm a nerd.

@TonyPatrillo: It's clear you didn't own a Dreamcast at the time the PS2 launched. Otherwise, you couldn't POSSIBLY have said something so stupid.

@silvermoonstar3: Oh I think you meant 2 hours a day over a months time. My bad.

@silvermoonstar3: Uhhh what sort of fuzzy math are you using there? A dual layer blu-ray is 50GB and a movie isn't using all of that space. Not to mention that's all much less compressed and higher fidelity.

@Pope John Peeps II: They are going onto your property and fucking with your car. Pretty big difference. Apparently YOUR driveway isn't private property. Huge problem.

Nice beta image. Never seen that Shuttle? model.

@Kogo: Show the other options he had. You act as if he wouldn't have taken privately owned roads if he had a choice. They simply don't exist - government won't allow it. Critical think harder.

@clevemire: Thus proving you don't understand Capitalism.

@Gektei: Errr what? Their pornography can't even show genitalia without censoring it, and I've never seen more violent stuff than what I've seen come from Japan.

@shazaam42: Oh crap it's not? I thought it was! It made it oh so clever.

@BacteriaEP: Well, multiplayer on SC was a little bit of the wild west. If you played ladder matches, you'd see some proper play. Otherwise, it'd be a lot of nonsense. Believe me, I partook in plenty of it haha. Mass hydras ftw.

@BacteriaEP: What you're describing are either games on BGH (Big Game Hunters map), or 3v3/4v4's. 1v1's or 2v2's will almost never come to such nonsense. If they do, you and the other person are not playing it right.

Erm...wasn't it a 4MB memory expansion?

@TheRemedy: I'd imagine that EQ2 is not getting any new players these days. You certainly can't screw with the underlying mechanics of the game with the established players. Those are your cash cow. You have to treat them right. They wouldn't want these systems leaking into their established worlds.

@DocSeuss: No one plays normal speed.

Ugh. So true.....