
Third console curse? I don't know anyone that believed that the "third console" was doomed to fail. That's a new "theory" to me.

Ehhhhhh prepare for it to be compared to the WNBA e.g. unwanted and unexciting. Doesn't matter the truth of any of it.

I like options. If someone wants to make their real-life presence known everywhere online, you have that option. Those of us that just want a separate experience should have that too. Such a binary option such as you suggest guarantees utter failure for any online gaming program, period. The vast majority of people

In theory, it's simple. The mechanics aren't complicated or anything. The real trick is the level design. Sonic Team and STI killed themselves making the Genesis Sonic games as good as they are. Zones that weren't up to snuff were cut wholesale. That's how the design process should go, but that doesn't seem to be the

Course not. I love it honestly. Everyone needs to stop taking themselves so seriously.

Now playing

A little cheesy, but calling it the worst of anything seems a little off. Clearly you've never played San Francisco Rush for the N64.

What was the purpose of this post? To make a statement that Gizmodo is above posting pictures of Steve Jobs in a compromised state? Then aren't you lambasting your fellow blog site? If no, then what? What is it? Just to get clicks? I understand you guys are somewhat separate entities, but you all belong on the same

The articles headline is wrong. This does not come with all of the 360's DLC. It only comes with one of the maps and two of the characters as you listed. However, there's about 4 more more maps and several other characters released. I'd update the headline.

If your computer is truly effed, you can use UBCD4Win (Ultimate Boot CD for Windows). Usually reserved for the most severe cases, you can use it to extract any files you need, assuming the hard drive isn't fried:

Wished I had this idea while growing up. Had to pit endless cherries by hand. I think pinching is utimately faster than having to stab a chopstick through it, but it requires practice to hone your technique.

@Xaxir: Also, don't forget the people who had VIP access and could play a few days before Bulletstormers. And then there were several codes you could earn to hand out to people for the last week of the beta. It blew up crazy in terms of population. It's obvious that last week was for stress testing. Glad to see it's

@GregtheMad: I'd concede if there weren't other Gawker sites explicitly made for this kind of crap. If you let everything just flow into each other, why bother dividing them?

New games journalism. Not a huge fan of these sorts of reviews, but they are at least better than IGN's 8 page diatribe. Also, is this a one-off sort of format, or has Kotaku changed review formats again?

@Odie85: Pac-Land I believe is the game. Super weird platformer.

@MyPonyRocks: I did. This was exact same story was done for the Wii version months ago.

@FrankieViturello: Too bad it has to be used to play the worst console version of RE4.

Polygons? What the eff version is this?

TFT? Bleh. Not pivotal yay or nay, but not top tier. Seems like a pretty interesting phone nonetheless. I wonder how that Scorpion processor fares vs. other high end mobile processors.