
@targetrender: Definitely wasn't either. It follows the traditions of awesome Bioshock CG trailers though.

@faralar: It would be akin to something like "Jesus ben Joseph" or Jesus son of Joseph.

I like it.

3 Yamazaki's? That's odd...

@Archaotic: So....because you don't like the crap, it should be illegal? You can't "legislate" the creative process.

@Shippoyasha: While I really enjoyed the DKC series, I recently played through the first one. It's not as "tight" as a Mario game. It feels like you're slipping on ice most of the time. There's something imprecise about the whole affair. Don't get me wrong, it's fun, but it doesn't feel as satisfying as the most Mario

@Kobun: To be fair, it's considered a spin-off so it doesn't get it's own stair. I know they branded it as SMW2 but that was mostly for awareness purposes here in the States. It didn't get a tie-in title in Japan.

@Kobun: To be fair, it's considered a spin-off so it doesn't get it's own stair. I know they branded it as SMW2 but that was mostly for awareness purposes here in the States. It didn't get a tie-in title in Japan.

@Kobun: Well it's considered a spin-off so it doesn't get it's own stair. I know they branded it as SMW2 but that was mostly for awareness purposes here in the States. It didn't get a tie-in title in Japan.

@GM_Pax: That could work, but there's a whole class system in the Cylon world. Skin jobs didn't go into empty raider shells or centurion shells. Not saying they COULDN'T per se, but it just doesn't seem to gel with the show's lore. Centurions were the lower class with their mental facilities purposefully capped,

@GohanEgret: Fairly true. They kept the most heinous crap out, but there were hundreds of turds released for the NES. The majority of it's library is pure garbage actually.

@GM_Pax: I dunno. Even then, the raiders were literally separate beings, as were the centurions. I don't know if being able to somehow overwrite an AI with another cylon's AI is within the realm of the fiction.

@ryangreen02: It's a piece of crap. Perhaps hardware-wise it's nice, but when you pay a premium for less features and tiny library, you're truly being unwise.

@The_Geek_Greek: It has healthy qualities. Also, it works for glaucoma. Plus it makes you think up some crazy awesome shit.

@scrapking: Metroid: Other M is a much better example. I see what you mean.

@scrapking: Well you're using Rare as an example when you just said they're a second-party, which is not the same as a third party. I still stand by my statement. It's not first party, because Remedy is not owned in any way by Microsoft. Rare was partially owned by Nintendo (up until 2002)

@scrapking: It's not first party because it wasn't developed by Microsoft. They published it as part of an exclusivity deal no doubt, but they don't own the name "Alan Wake".

@Spoony: You can't legislate morality. Or rather, you shouldn't. Parents make mistakes certainly, but legislation is not a curative response to anything.

There's a severe lack of Sega Saturn. Cool ornaments though.