
Was anyone horribly bothered about the inaccuracy of the sprites they used? Sub-Zero revealing a reptile head? Scorpion doing Reptile's win pose? Damn, I can't let go of stupid things.

@W10002: The 64DD wasn't a hard drive. The idea had been used since the Famicom Disk System - at least in Nintendo's court.

@Andrew Freedman: Did the NBA game happen to be NBA Full Court Press from Microsoft Game Studios? That was a pretty rad game. Sort of terrible, but I didn't know much better.

@Strey: My god. I did the exact same thing. What the fuck man....

@Erwin: They cut skits all the time. There's no bullshit on the possibility of this.

@DoctorThunder: I like the idea, but part of the enjoyment I had with Eternal Darkness was maxing out the insanity meter on purpose. If it depends on me being actually scared, I'll miss out on the zaniest shit.

Will we be able to map our faces onto characters via the Game Boy Camera as originally planned?

"Two groups enter. One group leave."

@bigman88zz: Technically a horrible rendition of Angel Island zone music.

@Garro: You still own the maps you bought and should be able to access them for LAN play.

@scrapking: It's not a matter of solving it. Of course there's a solution, but obviously not a profitable one (or one that even breaks even). I will say I'm surprised they made this decision so soon. I was thinking another year at least, but the trappings of the original XBL are holding back their plans for the 360.

@hot_heart: Call of Duty 2 was most certainly not on the Xbox.

@JuiceMan: False, since the entire premise of said book hinges on beliefs I do not share.

@LessIsMore: Anything you bring up on this subject is going to fall on deaf ears unfortunately. People aren't going to be receptive to this sort of thing on Lifehacker. Time and a place for everything.

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: You're thinking of Knuckles. Tails is easy mode. Same speed and jump as Sonic + flight. Knuckles had a bit harder of a time, since they cut his jump down. That was to force slightly different paths to the same goal. And Egg Robo's boss forms were more aggressive than Robotnick's. So think of it

Holy crap. Those scale low as hell. Blizzard knows what it's doing though.

@Kanji08: Ahaha. My god. You can't be serious!

@Kobun: I'd blame any graphical fidelity issues on the 40MB file size limit. You can't do a whole lot in 480p with such a limit - especially 2D stuff.

@Kobun: Stiff? Really? Maybe you're not referring to the mobility of the character itself. At least I hope not.