
I am friends with a guy who really wanted to buy this laserdisc. He does really cool fan edits of the original trilogy and posted a bunch of stuff about this laserdisc being on ebay. He even started a Paypal thing to accept donations so that he could buy the laserdisc and use the footage for a fan edit of the film. He

I have nothing to contribute, I just want to say that Thor was scientifically the most boring film ever made.

I actually tuned in just to see this great old episode, and then it was like… "Uh… Who are two characters who haven't had a relationship yet? Okay, Edna and Ned! Great! Let's do that." I even kept watching because I thought they'd do the good episode later on, because they play like 5 episodes of The Simpsons back to

It's odd that this is this user's one and only comment.

EXACTLY. Time travel.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't go with your heart, but if we could track all our entertainment moneys I'd guess about 93% of it ends up being spent on the morally repugnant.

If Card were a champion of same-sex marriage the comments would be all about how the capitalist industrial military complex destroys souls and causes millions to suffer, and there would be all this talk about Card's interesting use of games and gaming in his sci-fi world.

Neil Postman's "The Disappearance of Childhood" argues that the modern idea of childhood was basically "created" during the Renaissance and can only really exist under certain conditions (lots of literacy, protection from adult "secrets," etc.). It would make sense that super intelligent young people treated like

Well thank heavens YOU'RE not in charge! Welcome to Communist Russia!! 16??!

I would like to believe this, but… Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure dying didn't stop this show. I doubt anything will. It just needs to end, though. It's so sad to watch it anymore.

Perhaps the Honored Matres using sexual desire to enslave men might be considered sexist. But I thought it was a pretty cool concept!

Well it's most definitely a deconstruction, I'll give him that. It's a deconstruction that I got tricked into caring about and only realized is a deconstruction halfway through book 4 or so (or 5000 pages in). It came when I realized the cast was just going to keep expanding ad infinitum and the story no longer

I love when people use this line of reasoning because it's so wonderful to start throwing every possible extreme thing at them. "Goat fucking is hard-wired. Human sacrifice is hard-wired. Defecating on my front lawn is hard-wired."

The only thing the man likes about his world are food and clothing descriptions along with descriptions of heraldry, boobs and vaginas, and possibly semen and/or urine (which get mentioned at least once a chapter).

I agree that he's not "glorifying" rape or anything. But his version of "reality" is pretty fucked up and not in keeping with historical reality (as I see it, anyway). Which is fine, it's fantasy. It doesn't have to be just like history.

Oh I know that. I just meant that it kind of feels like there is so much of it that it has just become the new normal lit. for "grownups" too. I never see anyone my age reading anything that's not "YA" lit.

I kind of didn't understand the internet porn comment in the article. Was he saying the protagonist of the book could have used internet porn to satisfy his need to look at teenage girls (or girls that just appear underage)? I hate to give any credence to anyone with a name as stupid as "Bink" but the internet kind of

If anything it's harder to find YA Fiction nowadays. Ever since Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, etc. it has sort of just become "regular fiction."

I like the Kilgore Trout metaphor because from what I've read it also seems like some of the stories belong buried in really trashy skin mags of the seventies and eighties. They kind of have a "Heavy Metal" view of sexuality going for them.